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Zilla Parishad Primary School, Pujari Vasti, Belapur Khurd
Are you looking for the information of ZPP Pujari Vasti, Belapur Khurd Tal Shrirampoor, Dist Ahmadnagar? In this post we have given the brief details of ZPP Pujari Vasti, Belapur Khurd village school with some basic info and updates etc.
School Name: |
Zilla Parishad Primary School, Pujari Vasti, Belapur Khurd
Address: |
Zilla Parishad Primary School, At Pujari Vasti, Belapur Khurd Tal Shrirampoor, Dist Ahmadnagar Maharashtra State. |
State: |
Maharashtra Schools in Maharashtra |
City: |
Pujari Vasti, Belapur Khurd Schools in Pujari Vasti, Belapur Khurd |
Pincode: |
413715 |
Country: |
India Find schools in India |
Telephone Number: |
Not Available |
Email: |
not available
Website: |
Not Available |
Board: |
Maharastra State |
Management: |
Government Schools Local Body |
Other Popular Names: |
Other popular names: Z. P. P.School |
School Type: |
PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School |
About Zilla Parishad Primary School
Zilla Parishad School, At Pujari Vasti, Belapur Khurd village, Taluka Shrirampoor Belapur Khurd Dist Ahmadnagar is the government approval school. This school was Established in 1894 and is one of the oldest government school. This School is Marathi Medium Upper primary with secondary/higher secondary level school which falls in Rural area. ZPP School Pujari Vasti, Belapur Khurd is manage by Local Body and and this school is affiliated to Maharashtra State Board of Education.
There are more than 200 students enrolled in Pujari Vasti, Belapur Khurd ZPP School and total number of teachers teaching to those students are :4 and thus the Ratio of student to per teacher is 1:50.
This school have Library where more than 500 books are available. The School Code of this Zilla Parishad Primary School is : 27261400505.Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic YearPlease contact the school directly for the admission procedure in specific schools.
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