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Reqelford International School, Hyderabad

School Name: Reqelford International School, Hyderabad
Address: Sy No. 417, Rampally (V)
Keesara (M), Hyderabad
State: Telangana   Schools in Telangana
City: Hyderabad   Schools in Hyderabad
Pincode: 501301
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: (+91) 40 65811235, 32905679 (+91) 95736 07276
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: Reqelford
School Type: Creche, PlaySchool, Montessori, Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Reqelford International School

The Reqelford International School has a mission of educating students and helping them develop confidence and become leaders in their respective fields.

The Reqelford International encourages teamwork in its pupils. This prepares the children for bigger things in life. Children studying at this International School have an edge over their peers.

Admissions for 2024 - 2025 Academic Year

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Reqelford International School is a Co-educational school established in the year 2012. This school is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE, New Delhi and is located at Rampally Village, Keesara Manadal in K.V Ranga Reddy District of Telangana State. Meaning of Requelford - in Greek Requel means Number "7" and Ford means "Crossing", So Reqelford aims to help students to reach the good position in education based on "crossing" the "7" pillers of Faith, Knowledge, Joy, Love, Perseverance, Self Management and Excellence.

The main aim of the school is to develop a student to work in different groups and communicate in various languages and to establish a learning community that is open to all. This school has been ranked No.1 School for National Curriculum in 2016 school survey by the Times of India.


Reqelford International School follows the national curriculum provided by The Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE, New Delh. CBSE Board provides stress free learning environment and quality education to the students. The current student strength in school is as follows:
  1. Pre Primary - 88
  2. Primary - 185
  3. High School - 151


Reqelford International School provides best infrastructure in the industry and facilities like
  • Smart Classroom equipped with latest smart boards.
  • Laboratories - They provide separate labs for Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Sciences, Robotics, Visual Arts and Environmental Science.
  • Library with adequate reading space.
  • Sports Facilities - They provide professionally designed courts for Basketball, Cricket, Tennis, Soccer, Throw-ball, Badminton, Karate and other indoor sports. They also offer professional training for sports. They also provide Swimming pool, Splash Poll, Skating Rink, Squash Court, Toy Area etc.
  • Multi Purpose Auditorium.
  • Music Studio which is designed to facilitate teaching of various types of musical instruments.
  • Dance Studio with wooden floor to facilitate students learn different dance forms.
  • Cafeteria which offers nutritious, fresh and quality food to the students.
  • Air conditioned School buses equipped with GPS System.
  • Amphitheatre to conduct assemblies, activities, workshops, competitions etc.

Student Portal - eSkool

eSkool is a customized online student portal which is available for all students of the school and parents. Through this eSkool, parents can monitor student's performance and can also interact with teachers, view student's report card, circular alerts, school news, access timetables & syllabus, transport details etc.


Parents who are seeking admission in school can fill up an enquiry form available at school's official website. The school authorities will reply to the parents upon receiving enquiry form.

- Ramya

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