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Saraswati High School, Rampura

Are you searching for a good school in Rampura which is known for good education and discipline? This page provides you with the necessary information on Saraswati High School Rampura.
School Name: Saraswati High School, Rampura
Address: Darji Mohalla, Rampura,
Madhya Pradesh - 458 118
State: Madhya Pradesh   Schools in Madhya Pradesh
City: Rampura   Schools in Rampura
Pincode: 458118
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number:
Board: Madhya Pradesh State
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: Saraswati Shishu Mandir
School Type: High School

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About Saraswati High School

Saraswati High School, Rampura is one of the best schools of Rampura. The school is known for its discipline and moral education. The main features of the school's are as follows:

  • Good building: The school has a very good building with 25 rooms which are well-ventilated. The school is provided with a good atmosphere for study.

  • Well-furnished library: Saraswati High school has a very good well-furnished library. You can find many kinds of books like comics, magazines, reference books, etc. Book bank facility is also available. There are plenty of books on moral education in the library.

  • Well-equipped laboratory: Saraswati High School, Rampura has a good laboratory which is equipped with all the necessary apparatus for conducting practicals on physics, chemistry and biology.

  • Dedicated staff: A well dedicated staff is the primary asset of the school. The teachers are courteous and eager to guide the students.

  • Moral Education and good discipline: The school provides for good moral education and discipline for which it is well renowned.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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