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R.G.N Public School, Gaya

Are you looking for CBSE school in Gaya? R.G.N Public School is one of the CBSE affiliated schools of Gaya city. Get all the latest information with contact details and email id of R.G.N Public School, Sherghati, Gaya in this post.
School Name: R.G.N Public School, Gaya
Address: Barki Bagh, Sherghati,
Gaya, Bihar - 824211
State: Bihar   Schools in Bihar
City: Gaya   Schools in Gaya
Pincode: 824211
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 09431279241
Board: CBSE
Management: Gyan Govind Educational Society
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: RGN
School Type: Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School

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About R.G.N Public School

R.G.N Public School is one of the recently founded schools in the city of knowledge and enlightenment Gaya. Situated in Sherghati , Gaya, Bihar the school is running successfully under the trust of Gyan Govind Educational Society. The school is affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi on provisional basis since 2011.

Infrastructure & Facilities

The school is located on a vast land area and has excellent infrastructure. The classrooms have been beautifully designed and have all the facilities. There are separate smart classes loaded with audio-visual aid and LCD screen to make the complex subjects and topics easy to learn. There are separate laboratories for different subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics with all the requisite tools and apparatus. The school library cum reading room has good collection of text books, reference books, story books, dictionaries, magazines, CD's and DVD's. The students can also borrow books from the library as per the rule. The library is updated with new editions and publications on regular intervals.

Extracurricular Activities

The school pays special attention on games and sports. There is a playground in the school campus where students play a number of games like cricket, football, badminton, kho-kho etc. There are special classes for games and sports and there are highly qualified and trained game teachers who guide the students. The school also organizes many cultural programs including school annual day, special programs on Teachers day, Children day and many more.

Hostel Facility

R.G.N Public School also provides hostel facility to students are from different part of state and the country. Students are provided proper facility and pure and hygienic meals as per their menu.

Transport Facility

The school runs their own buses to carry students to school. The drivers are highly trained and experienced. All the vehicles carrying the students are in good condition and follow all the safety measures as prescribed by the government.


The school runs classes from Nursery to Tenth. The teachers are qualified and dedicated to give quality education to students. They have good command over their subjects and emphasis on new and creative method of teachings which enhance the learning process. Over the years, the school has made a lot of improvement and its academic record has also improved.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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