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Surya Varsani Academy, Bhuj

Do you wish to know which curriculum is offered at Surya Varsani Academy, Bhuj? Find out from this school page the details of the curriculum offered at Surya Varsani Academy, Bhuj. You can also read the detailed information of the school's infrastructure, facilities and academic levels.
School Name: Surya Varsani Academy, Bhuj
Address: Surya Village, Near Sanatorium
Bhuj-Mundra Highway, Ta. Bhuj
Kutch - 370423, Gujarat
State: Gujarat   Schools in Gujarat
City: Bhuj   Schools in Bhuj
Pincode: 370423
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: +91 9427 154154
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: SVA
School Type: PlaySchool, Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Surya Varsani Academy School

Surya Varsani Academy (SVA), Bhuj, Gujarat was established in 2010. The school started its academic session this year, with Grades 1 to 7. Pre-school / KG and grades 8, 9 and 11 will begin from the next academic session in June 2018.

SVA is initially following the CBSE curriculum. It will expand to offer the UK IGCSE and A level courses from Grade 9 onward.

Infrastructure and facilities

All classrooms are 'smart' classrooms with modern teaching aids. There are maximum up to 26 students per class, with the student to teacher ration being 8:1.

There is one general laboratory for the junior level students and three laboratories for the senior level students, with one each for Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

To nurture the creative talent of the students, there are dance, drama, music, art and design studios.

Additional infrastructure includes conference centres, an auditorium, a library, computer work stations and a dining hall where students are served healthy food. The campus is safe with 24 hour security provided. Medical facilities are available with a nurse available at all times in the sick bay. A school warden is also on campus to cater to the students' requirements.

Students from Grade 5 onward can opt for residential hostel facility on the school campus itself. The hostel is well-furnished, with four students per room.

Sports facilities are available for swimming (with an Olympic-standard pool), badminton, volleyball, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, athletics and chess.

The school has bus transport facility for students.


These are the various academic levels at SVA:
  1. Preschool (or Kindergarden) section: For children aged 3 and 4 years.

  2. Lower Primary section: Grades 1 and 2.

  3. Upper Primary section: Grades 3 to 7.

  4. Lower Secondary section: Grade 8.

  5. Upper Secondary section: Grade 9 and 10. Students can opt for the CBSE curriculum or for the UK International curriculum, which leads to IGCSE exams.

  6. Sixth form (+2 stage): Grades 11 and 12.

Beyond academics

At every level, students enjoy varied sports and recreational activities such as in music, drama, etc. Various clubs are open to the higher class students. The sixth form students participate in charitable work under a special 'Assist' prgoram.

Educational trips and excursions are organized to enable students to have a unique learning experience outside the classroom. International exchange trips will be arranged with SVA's partner schools abroad.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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