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Nirmal International CBSE School, Pachora

Are you searching for details of the campus facilities of Nirmal International CBSE School in Jalgaon? This school page provides informative details of Nirmal International CBSE School, located in Pachora, District Jalgaon, including campus infrastructure & facilities.
School Name: Nirmal International CBSE School, Pachora
Address: Nirmal Campus, near Nirmal Seeds, Bhadgaon Road, Pachora - 424201,
Dist-Jalgaon, Maharashtra
State: Maharashtra   Schools in Maharashtra
City: Pachora   Schools in Pachora
Pincode: 424201
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: +91 (02596) 245123, 245124
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools Nirmal Foundation
Other Popular Names:
School Type: Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Nirmal International CBSE School

Nirmal International CBSE School, Pachora, Jalgaon was established in June 2011 and is under the management of Nirmal Foundation. The school is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. Classes are from Nursery to Class 12.

Infrastructure & Facilities

The spacious campus of Nirmal International CBSE School, Pachora has academic buildings and large grounds for various games & sports. There are over 40 digital classrooms and 8 labs, including a math and language lab, other than labs for science subjects. There are also two seminar rooms and one conference & committee room each. General programs and assemblies are scheduled in the school auditorium. There is a gym as well on campus.

The music auditorium is where students of Class 5 up to Class 9 are trained in vocal & instrumental music. Students learn songs in Marathi, Hindi and English as well as poems, too.

An interesting feature of Nirmal International CBSE School, Pachora is the setup of Art rooms with facilities catering to the age group of the students. The qualified art instructors ensure individual attention to each student so that their artistic abilities are brought out to the maximum.

Another unique feature is the toy library for the little ones. The school encourages the kids to borrow the toys, games & puzzles stocked here. What fun!

The library of Nirmal International CBSE School, Pachora is stocked with subject-based books and encyclopedias and the school subscribes to over 20 journals. Overhead projectors, computers, LCDs and VCPs are utilized as teaching tools.

Sports facilities for outdoor games include those for cricket, football, hockey, softball, basketball, volleyball, athletics, Kabaddi and Kho-Kho, etc. Students can also enjoy indoor games of badminton, table tennis and chess.

Age criteria for admission

1. For Nursery: 3 years.
2. For Junior KG: 4 years.
3. For Senior KG: 5 years.
4. For Std.1: 6 years.

Admission process

Parents must follow the 3-stage process for applying for admission for their wards to Nirmal International CBSE School, Pachora. These stages are:
1. Obtain the application form for admission.
2. Register the child for a test/interaction which will gauge the child's general performance during the interaction. The registration fee is Rs.500/-, this fee being non-refundable.
3. Pay the requisite school fee & submit the required documents in original.

Note: There is no test for getting admission to the Pre-primary section, which includes Nursery, Jr. KG and Sr. KG classes.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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