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Sargachi Ramakrishna Mission High School (HS)

Want to find a Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama in West Bengal? Here you will get the various details like contact number, e-mail address, and more info of the first branch center of Ramakrishna Mission named Sargachi Ramakrishna Mission High School (HS), Murshidabad.
School Name: Sargachi Ramakrishna Mission High School (HS)
Address: P.O. - Sargachi Ashrama, P.S. - Beldanga
Dist. - Murshidabad,
West Bengal - 742408
State: West Bengal   Schools in West Bengal
City: Sargachi   Schools in Sargachi
Pincode: 742408
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: +91-9083275274, 03482-232222, 232444
Board: West Bengal State
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama
School Type: Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Sargachi Ramakrishna Mission High School (HS)

In the year of 1897, Sargachi Ramakrishna Mission High School (HS) was established by Swami Akhandanandaji Maharaj, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, as the first and foremost of all the present Ramakrishna Mission Educational Institutions in the world. It is very easy to locate the school as it is situated at Sargachi in the district of Murshidabad.


The school is a recognized Non-Government Aided unit of Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Sargachi which is a partly residential Higher Secondary School for boys being affiliated with the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education and West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.

Infrastructure & facilities

The school has a three-storied building having classrooms for almost 700 students inside the Ashrama premises. The mission provides a hostel which is known as Vidyarthi Bhawan for the accommodation of almost 66 students who live far and near. There is an excellent library with textbooks and reference books for the students. A computer center is also provided for the students.

Co-circular & extra-circular activities

There are two playgrounds inside the Ashrama premises where the boys can participate in outdoor games. The school also inspires pupils to participate in various classes conducted on different Indian cultures, yoga, and music.

Admission process

Boys are allowed to take admission in classes V, VI, VII, and VIII based on the performance in the admission test which is generally held in April every year. Interested students should collect the form in the month of February from the school office.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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