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Gnana Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Tiruvallur

Are you searching for details about Gnana Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Tiruvallur? Have a look into this page and get the academic details, facilities, activities and the contact details of Gnana Vidyalaya.
School Name: Gnana Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Tiruvallur
Address: No.210/7, C.V. Naidu Road,
Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu
State: Tamil Nadu   Schools in Tamil Nadu
City: Tiruvallur   Schools in Tiruvallur
Pincode: 602001
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 044-2766 1910; 2766 0348
Board: Tamil Nadu State
Management: Private Schools Dr.S.Ramakrishnan Gnanammal Trust
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: Gnana Vidyalaya
School Type: Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Gnana Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Gnana Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School was started in the year 1979 by Dr S Ramakrishnan. The school is managed by Dr S Ramakrishnan Gnanammal Trust and is recognized by the Government of Tamil Nadu. Gnana Vidyalaya is catering to the educational needs of the students from various family backgrounds for more than 35 years. To maintain discipline and decorum amongst the students, the school strictly follows a set of rules and regulations. It is a higher secondary, co-educational institution which offers education in both Tamil and English medium.


Gnana Vidyalaya provides academic education from LKG to Class XII as per the curriculum of the Tamil Nadu education board. The school motivates the students to learn their lessons and also assigns project work and assignments. To assess the academic excellence of the students, the school regularly conducts tests and examinations. Both theoretical and practical classes will be conducted in the school through smart class techniques to give an enjoyable and interactive learning experience to the students. For the students of class X, XI and XII the school provides special attention and prepares them to face the board examinations conducted by Tamil Nadu state board of education.

The subjects offered in Gnana Vidyalaya for the higher secondary class (XI and XII- English and Tamil Medium) are listed below.

Part I: Tamil
Part II: English
Part III: Along with part I and II, a student must select any one of the following groups
Group IA: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Group IB: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science
Group III A: Accountancy, Commerce, Economics and Computer Science
Group III B: Accountancy, Commerce, Economics and Business Mathematics


The school is located in C.V. Naidu Road, Tiruvallur and is easily accessible by road and rail. The school campus covers an area of about 3 acres of land with trees and plants. It has 4 spacious buildings with well-furnished classrooms and well-equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science. The school library is stocked with books on various topics. The school also has a mini-conference hall, smart classrooms, audio-visual rooms and an air-conditioned indoor auditorium. To conduct physical education classes, the school has a playground and necessary sports equipment.


The school organizes various activities in the school and encourages the students to participate in the activities as per their choice of interest. Sports, games and activities are compulsory for all the students except the students of class X and XII. The extra-curricular activities conducted in the school are karate, yoga, meditation, art & craft, dance, music, Girls Guides, Boys Scouts, JRC, NCC, NSS, RSP, cultural association, news bulletin, magazine club, literary association and social service leagues. All the activities in the school are conducted by experienced teachers and experts. By participating in various activities, the students can shape their talent and also find their hidden talents. In addition to the various club level activities, the school also conducts Spoken English classes to develop the communication skills of the students.

The school follows a housing system and the entire school is divided into 4 houses namely Ruby (Red), Emerald (Green), Sapphire (Blue) and Topaz (Yellow). The school conducts various competitions amongst the houses to build the team spirit, sports talent, personality and other necessary skills needed for the students.

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