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Saint John's Academy, Prayagraj
Are you trying to find the exact postal address of Saint John's Academy in Prayagraj? You don't need to look further than this school page of Saint John's Academy. Know full campus details too of this CISCE school.
About Saint John's Academy School
Introduction Saint John's Academy located in Prayagraj is one of the prominent school in the city with over 2,000 students from all the classes and out of which almost 200 students are boarders at this school.
The school runs classes from Pre-nursery to Class XII, the school is well connected from all parts of the state, the school operates classes in English medium having multi-facility, the school is a co-educational day cum residential school.
Academics and facilities The school is affiliated to the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi with some of the built-in infrastructure facilities to accommodate the teaching with other features like lush, multi-acre campus with swimming pools, football fields, cricket grounds, basketball, tennis courts, etc.; Dramatics, dancing, karate, yoga, painting, musical instruments, crafts, adventure sports.
Admissions The candidates who wish to enrol their names for admissions required to do so either through online or through offline mode.
The admissions are offered from Nursery onwards for which candidates required to undergo formal written test as for admissions merit is the sole criteria at this school, candidates who qualify in the written test required to attend the interaction session with the school authorities.Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic YearPlease contact the school directly for the admission procedure in specific schools.
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