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Agrasain Boy's School, Liluah, Howrah

Are you searching for the latest contact information about the Agrasain Boy's School in Liluah at Howrah? Go through this school post to know the latest contact information such as phone number, full postal address, official e-mail, etc of the ICSE affiliated Agrasain Boy's School Liluah, Howrah, West Bengal.
School Name: Agrasain Boy's School, Liluah, Howrah
Address: 21/A, Agrasain Street,
Liluah, Howrah
State: West Bengal   Schools in West Bengal
City: Liluah, Howrah   Schools in Liluah, Howrah
Pincode: 711204
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 033 26554544, 4547
Board: ICSE
Management: Private Schools
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School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Agrasain Boy's School

Agrasain Boy's School located at Liluah in Howrah district of West Bengal is one of the prominent schools not just in the state but also considered one of the best schools in the country for its sheer excellence in imparting world class education with various facilities provided to its students.

The school is an English medium Senior Secondary school only for boys. It is affiliated with The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education, New Delhi and runs classes from the first standard to Class XII.

The facilities include smart classrooms, seminar room, library, laboratories including computer, huge play ground with separate courts for each of the outdoor sports. Apart from providing quality education the school also stresses on various co-curricular activities like sports, dance, music, arts, craft, painting, drawing, quizzes, elocution, debates etc., by allocating separate spaces for each of the activities.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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