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Modern School, New Delhi

Educomp smart class facility is available in Modern School, New Delhi. To get information about all the facilities offered by Modern School, New Delhi refer to the below-given post.
School Name: Modern School, New Delhi
Address: Barakhamba Road, New Delhi
State: Delhi   Schools in Delhi
City: New Delhi   Schools in New Delhi
Pincode: 110001
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 011 - 23311618, 23311619/ 620, Fax 011-23316214
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools Modern School Society Delhi
Other Popular Names:
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Modern School, New Delhi

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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School has advanced teaching aids which includes OHP, LCD projectors, smart boards, internet facility and digital library. A swimming pool, 6 Basketball courts, 6 Tennis courts, Gymnasium, Table tennis, Athletic track, and Squash courts are also available here. School also offers various fine arts activities along with regular syllabus.
- Pramod Dabholkar

Admission process

The admission process for class 11th is completed in two steps, first one is a registration and after that written test and interview of the respective candidate.

  1. For getting admission applicant has to fill out the form with the required details and documents which includes, whether the student wants to join as a day scholar or border, stream required and attach copies of pre-board mark sheet, board mark sheet and mark sheet of class 9th.

  2. Application should be done online and not in physical mode. The selected candidates would be intimated by the school authorities for a written test. The test is based upon class 10th curriculum.

  3. Students would be provisionally admitted after the written test. Registration will be confirmed only after the final results of the board examination conducted by CBSE/any other board.

  4. Students should fill in correct details regarding streams and admission as border or day scholars because once registered they will not be altered.

Documents required

After selection in an interview, for provisional registration following documents are required to be submitted at school:

  1. Within a week of result declaration the self-attested photocopy of the class 10th mark sheet, original passing certificate and original TC duly stamped and signed by the Principal is to be submitted.

  2. At the time of admission self-attested photocopy of the original pre-board mark sheet, four photographs of size 3.5×2.5 cm with the name of the student printed on the photographs, a self-attested photocopy of board admit card and a self-attested photocopy of an Aadhaar card is to be submitted.

  3. Self-Attested photocopy of Migration Certificate- Within one week of Result Declaration. (Note: This is to be submitted only by students of ICSE/any other equivalent board).

- Dev Arora

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