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Anmol Public School, Davangere
Searching for details of what facilities are available at Anmol Public School in Davangere? Simply explore this school page which provides all the requisite information about the CBSE affiliated Anmol Public School in Davangere of Karnataka.
About Anmol Public School
Davangere in Karnataka is one of the most business oriented busiest place inspite the city has carved a good niche in providing some of the best educational institutions one such institution is known as Anmol Public School.
The school was established in the year 2003 under the aegis of Karnataka Lingayat Education Society which is also responsible for establishing several educational institutions including medical, engineering, pharmacy and several polytechnics.
The school offers superior quality of education in English medium from Class I to Class X in co-educational pattern by following the syllabus prepared at Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.
The school provides midday milk to its students where the school itself has a dairy, vegetable garden, bio-gas usage for cooking, garden containing medicinal plants, waste management system are some of the role model activities the school undertakes.
From infrastructure facilities point of view the school has good ventilated classrooms, library with large number of reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, journals, the school has well maintained sports ground within the school complex, laboratories for all the disciplines.Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic YearPlease contact the school directly for the admission procedure in specific schools.
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