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Bala Vinayaka Vidyaniketan, Gadag
Get the official web address of Bala Vinayaka Vidyaniketan located in Gadag district of Karnataka from this school page. Complete overview of the CBSE affiliated Bala Vinayaka Vidyaniketan is available here, including contact information and details of the school's infrastructure and facilities.
About Bala Vinayaka Vidyaniketan School
Bala Vinayaka Vidyaniketan which started functioning from the year 2008 was established by one of the noted educational organisation known as Bala Vinayaka Vidyaniketan Educational Society the school is located in Sambhapur Road in Gadag district of Karnataka.
The school is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi the school is authorised to provide the education from Class I to Class XII under co-educational pattern the medium of instruction at this school is English.
The school offers basic infrastructure facilities like safe drinking water, airy and spacious classrooms which are fully furnished, laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Computers, the library with numerous quantity of books on varied interests apart from having educational CD's, DVD's etc., the school play ground supports athletics and other sports, the school has its own vans and buses as a means of transportation.
The school offers admissions from Nursery onwards however the admissions are subject to availability of vacant seats as the students who promote from the class will have the top priority however the candidates who seek admissions at this school required to undergo entrance test to become eligible for admissions.Admissions for 2024 - 2025 Academic YearPlease contact the school directly for the admission procedure in specific schools.
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