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Canara High School, CBSE, Mangalore

Are you searching for the school office phone numbers of Canara High School, CBSE in Mangalore? This school page will provide the correct phone numbers of and you will get an overview of the school campus facilities too.
School Name: Canara High School, CBSE, Mangalore
Address: A.S.R. Pai Road,
State: Karnataka   Schools in Karnataka
City: Mangalore   Schools in Mangalore
Pincode: 575003
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 0824 2496214, 2495214
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names:
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Canara High School, CBSE

Canara High School, CBSE which started in the year 2009 with CBSE affiliation however the earlier school with State Board syllabus started around 100 years back the school was established by a noted philanthropist who is responsible for establishing several educational institutions apart from establishing the famous Canara Bank.

The school is an English medium school which teaches to both boys and girls from Nursery to Senior Secondary classes the school has employed highly qualified, experienced and trained teaching faculty apart from qualified support staff.

The school is also known for training its students to excel in various co-curricular activities like Literary activities Quiz, Skating, Karate, Drawing, Tabla, Keyboard, Guitar, Science, Astronomy, Curio Club, Numismatics and Philately, Drama and Theatre, Freestyle Dance, Scouts and Guides, Cubs and Bulbuls and NCC etc.

From an infrastructure point of view, the school offers its students digital classrooms with audio-visual facilities, laboratories, library with a huge stock of all kinds of books, medical room, separate blocks for various co-curricular activities, playground, transportation facility with buses and vans etc.

The admissions at this school are offered to candidates irrespective of their caste, creed, religion or region, subject to rules of Canara High School CBSE however obtaining the admission form in time is the first step. Those who apply in time will be asked to appear for an entrance exam followed by personal interaction with the school authorities.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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