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Dr. Mundkur Ramanna Shetty Memorial English Medium High School, Mangalore

Looking to admit your child to a reputed CBSE school in Mangalore of Karnataka? Try the Dr. Mundkur Ramanna Shetty Memorial English Medium High School in Mangalore. Hereunder provided is the updated postal address, phone numbers, email, website etc of the school.
School Name: Dr. Mundkur Ramanna Shetty Memorial English Medium High School, Mangalore
Address: Tapovana, Via-Haleangadi,
Thokur Post,
State: Karnataka   Schools in Karnataka
City: Mangalore   Schools in Mangalore
Pincode: 574146
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 0824 2296252
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools Nitte Education Trust
Other Popular Names:
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Dr. Mundkur Ramanna Shetty Memorial English Medium High School

Dr. Mundkur Ramanna Shetty Memorial English Medium High School located in Mangalore is another highly reputed school established by one of the respected educational organisation in Karnataka i.e., Nitte Education Trust this educational organisation has established various institutions one such is at Karkala known as Dr. N. Shankara Adyanthaya Memorial English Medium High School, Nitte, Karkala.

The school has employed highly qualified, experienced and trained teaching faculty to teach the students from Nursery to Senior Secondary in English medium under CBSE, New Delhi guidelines.

The school has a highly sophisticated laboratories for all the disciplines the computer laboratory is equipped with highly configure 25 computers the school teaches computer education to students from Class III onwards, Smart Classes, fully equipped sports ground, own transportation comprising of vans and buses are some of the facilities provided by this school.

The other facilities include activity hall, science park, library, medical room facilities in case of emergency, separate rooms for co-curricular activities, the school also celebrates all national festivals irrespective of communities.

Those who wish to enroll for admissions at this school required to submit the registration form in time which can be done either through online or by visiting the school the admissions are subject to qualifying in the admission test followed by personal interview.

Admissions for 2024 - 2025 Academic Year

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