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Bhavkunj School, Kadi, Mehsana
Would you like to get admission for your child to a reputed CBSE school in Mehsana at Gujarat? This school page provides information about one such school, namely the Bhavkunj School located in Kadi at Mehsana of Gujarat.
School Name: |
Bhavkunj School, Kadi, Mehsana
Address: |
S. V. Campus, B/h Railway Station, Kadi, Mehsana |
State: |
Gujarat Schools in Gujarat |
City: |
Kadi, Mehsana Schools in Kadi, Mehsana |
Pincode: |
382715 |
Country: |
India Find schools in India |
Telephone Number: |
02764 242779 |
Email: |
Website: | |
Board: |
Management: |
Private Schools Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavni Mandal |
Other Popular Names: |
School Type: |
PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School |
About Bhavkunj School
If you are looking for best CBSE schools for admissions in Gujarat state then Bhavkunj School located in Kadi at Mehsana district is one of the best bet.
The school is a very popular and prominent senior secondary of English medium which was established by one of the reputed educational organisation known as Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavni Mandal of Mumbai.
This English medium co-educational school is authorised to conduct classes from Pre Nursery up to Class XII which the school is able to run in its sophisticated calss rooms well supported by laboratories, library and a well maintained sports ground.
Being a residential school the school provides hostel facilities for which students from Class V onwards are eligible to stay. The hostel facilities include Wifi, hot water, hygienic food, twin sharing and general pool sharing system.
Other facilities include the school provides canteen facility for boarders which is able to supply hygienic and nutritious foods round the clock in the school timings, the school offers GPS enabled vans and buses as a means of transportation.
From admissions point of view the school offers admissions from Pre Nursery onwards, after submission of registration forms the candidates required to undergo personal interaction with the school authorities however from Class II onwards the admission test is mandatory.Admissions for 2024 - 2025 Academic YearPlease contact the school directly for the admission procedure in specific schools.
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