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National Public School, Hosur Road, Bangalore

National Public School, Hosur is a popular school, affiliated to CBSE.
School Name: National Public School, Hosur Road, Bangalore
Address: No.64/1, Hebbagodi CMC,
Electronic City PO,
State: Karnataka   Schools in Karnataka
City: Hosur Road, Bangalore   Schools in Hosur Road, Bangalore
Pincode: 560100
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: +91 80 2784 9699 / +91 63646 28699
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: NPS, Hosur Road, Bangalore
School Type: Montessori, Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About National Public School

If you are looking for admission to the National Public School or like to learn more about this school, read more.

National Public School is a synonym for world-class education in the state of Karnataka as the school has several branches, and franchises across Karnataka and abroad one such National Public School is located in Hosur Road at Bangalore.

This branch of the school is built on a huge plot of land of over 4 acres with a vast sprawling playground and ample spaces for all the departments and blocks whether it is academic or for sports activities.

This school offers education in Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi from Nursery to Senior Secondary i.e., Class XII to both boys and girls in English medium.

The school has employed highly qualified, trained, and experienced teaching faculty who are ably supported by qualified and experienced support staff to manage laboratories, library and other co-curricular activities.

Well ventilates, spacious classrooms to bring pleasant learning experiences to the students, laboratories for all the disciplines including computers, a big auditorium with a seating capacity of over 900, a separate counselling room, art room, and health care room equipped with all medicines if required in case of emergency are some of the key facilities provided.

Other facilities provided at this school are a library, huge space for various indoor games, a sports ground which has separate courts for all major outdoor games, swimming pool, tracks for athletics, separate block for Yoga etc., are other additional facilities extended by this school.

From an admission process point of view, priority is given to a nationally mobile groups i.e., central services and for other transferable services, internationally mobile people next priority is given to the children of the teaching faculty of the school.

The admission forms can be had either online or offline by visiting the school office on any working day in the month of January however the admissions are subject to the availability of vacant seats.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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