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Loyola International School ad-dawhah, Doha

Loyola International School ad-dawhah, Doha, is an English medium school that is affiliated to the CBSE board and offers very good infrastructural facilities to its students. Looking for more information about this school? Check out this space to find out phone numbers, address, official mail ID and website and impartial reviews about the academic and extra-curricular training provided at Loyola International School ad-dawhah, Doha.
School Name: Loyola International School ad-dawhah, Doha
Address: # 40, Al Andalus Street,
Fereej Al Nasr, Doha, Qatar.
State: Doha
City: Doha   Schools in Doha
Country: Qatar   Find schools in Qatar
Telephone Number: +974 44311390
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools Sri Indu & RVR Group of Institutions
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: LISD
School Type: Montessori, Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Loyola International School ad-dawhah, Doha

The school started in 1979 by Mr.R.Venkat Rao and now the school managed by his education institution named Sri Indu & RVR Group of Institutions. The school offers classes from KG1 to 12th standard. The school followed the co-education system successfully.

The school facilities include Smart Classrooms for providing a better and latest style of education for students. The school has a computer and science laboratory to get practical knowledge for students. The Library is well stocked with more than 3000 references, fictional and non-fictional books. there is a large auditorium to host various cultural functions and the same can substitute as an indoor ground to play games like Tennis, Badminton and Basketball. To provide safety and security to students, the school campus has a CC TV surveillance and fire alarm erection.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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