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Venkateshwara World School, Meerut

Are you looking for an English medium school with CBSE curriculum in Meerut which is also offering co-education? If yes, then you can find all the details about Venkateshwara World School here.
School Name: Venkateshwara World School, Meerut
Address: Opposite LIC,
Saket, Meerut
NH-58, Delhi-Roorkee Bypass, Meerut
State: Uttar Pradesh   Schools in Uttar Pradesh
City: Meerut   Schools in Meerut
Pincode: 250002
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 7055009632 / 33 / 43
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools Venkateshwara Group
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About Venkateshwara World School

Venkateshwara World School is a venture started by Venkateshwara Group with an aim to provide proper education and fulfill all the academic needs of children in Meerut. It is following the CBSE curriculum but the accreditation is in process. The school is offering studies from class 1st to class 8th and it supports the gender-equality by allowing co-education. It is an English medium school and all the staff follows the same as a medium of instruction.


The school has all the facilities to provide uninterrupted education to the students. It has well qualified and experienced teaching and non-teaching staff. The school building is advanced and spacious and has accommodated all the basic add-ons to facilitate modern and advanced teaching patterns.

The laboratories in the school are well equipped with all the instruments depending upon the subject and have separate labs for physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and general science. The students learn to perform the experiments, then to draw conclusions depending upon their observation.

The smart classrooms in association with Educomp are there in the school and Audio Visual rooms with projectors are specially arranged for small kids to teach the things in a fun way.

The library of the school is also having attached reading room. It is having an excellent collection of books as per the interest of kids of different ages. Students have a library period to go and enjoy reading different books from the collection of various magazines, journals, storybooks, newspapers, etc.

An auditorium is there to organize different programs like indoor games and cultural activities in the school.

Apart from these basic facilities, the school also has a swimming pool which opens only during the summer season, mostly from April month of the academic session till the winter starts. Coaches are also made available to teach swimming and to guarantee the safety of kids in the pool.


The school has included various activities in their curriculum as per the requirements of a particular age group. These include different fundamental clubs, sports, dance, music, arts and crafts.
Fundamental clubs are to support the students to nurture their interest and the students from class 3rd to class 8th need to select at least one fundamental club as per their interest.

The Art and Craft sessions, kids get the entire environment to think and pursue their creativity. The school provides all the materials like color, clay, textures, paper, glass, etc to witness the interesting experiments by the students.

Music and dance are the forms of performing arts and this school provides opportunities to learn and perform. Music classes are compulsory for kids and are taught all the different forms like classical and contemporary. The school also conducts classes for teaching different musical instruments depending upon the interest of the students.

The school favors the overall development of students hence provide excellent sports facilities including outdoor playing ground, sports teachers and games period during school hours. Apart from this, the school also conducts various competitions and matches to instill healthy sportsmanship in students.

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