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Kannika Cauvery School, Mysore

Do you want your ward to join the Kannika Cauvery School in Mysore? Check out from this school page the facilities and infrastructure of the Kannika Cauvery School at Hebbal in Mysore, before applying for admission.
School Name: Kannika Cauvery School, Mysore
Address: 1st Stage, Hebbal,
State: Karnataka   Schools in Karnataka
City: Mysore   Schools in Mysore
Pincode: 570016
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 0821 2304537
Board: Karnataka State
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names:
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School

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About Kannika Cauvery School

If you are looking for a school which also trains its students to excel in various co-curricular activities along with academics, then Kannika Cauvery School located in Hebbal, Mysore is one of the schools you should look forward to.

The school provides education in both English and Kannada medium. Its students' study from Class I to Class X comprising both boys and girls. The school is affiliated with Directorate of Education, State Education Board, Government of Karnataka.

Kannika Cauvery School in Hebbal Mysore has a huge sports ground wherein the students practice many outdoor games like volleyball, badminton, tennis etc. and also, make use of indoor stadium to practice various indoor games.

Spacious classrooms which are fully furnished and well ventilated, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, computers laboratories; library with a good stock of books and periodicals are some of the basic facilities provided by this school.

The admission process at this school ends in the month of May every year; the admission forms can be had from the school office after January by visiting the school office on any working day.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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