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Sai Nalanda School, Krishnaraja Nagara, Mysore
Would you like to get admission for your child to a reputed CBSE school at Krishnaraja Nagara in Mysore? This school page provides information about one such school, namely the Sai Nalanda School, located at Krishnaraja Nagara, Mysore.
School Name: |
Sai Nalanda School, Krishnaraja Nagara, Mysore
Address: |
Near Arkeshwara Temple, Hassan - Mysore Road, Krishnaraja Nagara, Mysore |
State: |
Karnataka Schools in Karnataka |
City: |
Krishnaraja Nagara, Mysore Schools in Krishnaraja Nagara, Mysore |
Pincode: |
571602 |
Country: |
India Find schools in India |
Telephone Number: |
0822 3293599, 8722073456, 63456, 93456 |
Email: |,
Website: | |
Board: |
Management: |
Private Schools Sri Sairam Charitable Trust |
Other Popular Names: |
School Type: |
Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School |
About Sai Nalanda School
Sai Nalanda School located at Krishnaraja Nagara in Mysore district is one of the best schools in terms of quality of education it provides along with its infrastructure facilities. The private English medium school which started in the year 2011 under the aegis of Sri Sairam Charitable Trust offers education from Nursery to Class XII in a co-educational pattern.
Sai Nalanda School, Krishnaraja Nagara, Mysore offers 24 well ventilated, fully furnished classrooms, out of which 5 are dedicated to teaching staff. The laboratories are well maintained and there is a library with a big hall. Other facilities include a well-maintained sports ground within the school premises with several tracks and courts for various outdoor and indoor games. The school offers its own transportation facilities and basic medical facilities in case of emergency.
The admissions are provided from Kindergarten onward for which the registrations forms are to be obtained from the school office on any working day. Admissions are subject to availability of vacant seats. Written test followed by an interaction session with the school authorities is mandatory.Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic YearPlease contact the school directly for the admission procedure in specific schools.
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