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Sera Je Secondary School, Bylakuppe, Mysore

Below is the post of Sera Je Secondary School which is CBSE affiliated. Go through the informative reviews of Sera Je Secondary School located at Bylakuppe in Mysore district and find about its infrastructure, contact details and other aspects of this school.
School Name: Sera Je Secondary School, Bylakuppe, Mysore
Address: Bylakuppe, Mysore District,
State: Karnataka   Schools in Karnataka
City: Bylakuppe, Mysore   Schools in Bylakuppe, Mysore
Pincode: 571104
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 08223 258771
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools Manav Vikas Charitable Munch
Other Popular Names:
School Type: Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Sera Je Secondary School

Sera Je Secondary School located at picturesque Bylakuppe, a partial hill station near Mysore, is under the governing body of a Buddhist monastery. The school, which started functioning from the year 2003, is managed and governed under the aegis of Manav Vikas Charitable Manch. This is an English medium boys school which follows curriculum guideline for teaching fundamentals of Buddhist dialectics and philosophy. The school also adheres to the guidelines of CBSE, New Delhi.

Sera Je Secondary School, Bylakuppe, Mysore which conducts classes from Class VI to class XII in the old traditional ways of erstwhile Gurukulas, strictly imposes its students to attend special morning and evening session of two hours, for scripture memorizing and religious classes taken by highly qualified Geshes, appointed for the purpose.

Admissions are offered to candidates, a majority of whom come from Tibetan refugee communities, wishing to pursue traditional monastic training and studies. Those who have studied at Sera Jey Monastery and willing to continue monastic training are given preference.

The registration cum admissions forms are issued in the month of January. Duly filled in admission form should be submitted along with recommendation letter from the concerned Khangtsen Incharge, certifying that the boy is a bonafide monk of the Monastery.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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