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Adarsh Public School, Bhavaninagar, Vita, Sangli
Do you want your ward to join the Adarsh Public School in Bhavaninagar, Vita, Sangli? Check out from this school page the facilities and infrastructure of the Adarsh Public School in Bhavaninagar, Vita, Sangli in Maharashtra, before applying for admission.
School Name: |
Adarsh Public School, Bhavaninagar, Vita, Sangli
Address: |
Kundal Road, Bhavaninagar, Vita. Taluka - Khanapur, District - Sangli |
State: |
Maharashtra Schools in Maharashtra |
City: |
Bhavaninagar, Vita, Sangli Schools in Bhavaninagar, Vita, Sangli |
Pincode: |
415311 |
Country: |
India Find schools in India |
Telephone Number: |
02347 273501, 7559320702, 7507719933 |
Email: |
Website: | |
Board: |
Management: |
Private Schools Loknete Hon. Hanmantrao Patil Charitable Trust |
Other Popular Names: |
School Type: |
Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School |
About Adarsh Public School
Adarsh Public School located at Bhavaninagar, Vita, Sangli in Maharashtra is one of the prominent schools under CBSE syllabus. The school was established under the aegis of Loknete Hon. Hanmantrao Patil Charitable Trust. The school is a co-educational English medium private school offering education from KG to Secondary level.
Adarsh Public School in Bhavaninagar, Maharashtra provides spacious and airy classrooms, Educomp enabled classrooms, laboratories for all disciplines including languages, mathematics and computers and qualified staff. The library has an ample stock of books, journals, newsletters, periodicals, etc. The school has a vast playground for various outdoor and indoor games and has a swimming pool too.Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic YearPlease contact the school directly for the admission procedure in specific schools.
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