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Gurukul Dnyanpeeth School, Sagwan, Buldhana
Gurukul Dnyanpeeth School is located in Sagwan, Buldhana in Maharashtra. Check this school page to know about the campus infrastructure and other relevant information about the CBSE affiliated Gurukul Dnyanpeeth School.
School Name: |
Gurukul Dnyanpeeth School, Sagwan, Buldhana
Address: |
Ulhas Chowk, Dhad Road, Sagwan. Buldhana |
State: |
Maharashtra Schools in Maharashtra |
City: |
Sagwan, Buldhana Schools in Sagwan, Buldhana |
Pincode: |
443001 |
Country: |
India Find schools in India |
Telephone Number: |
07262 241572, 7888028653, 7888028650 |
Email: |,
Website: | |
Board: |
Management: |
Private Schools Tukaram Patil Bahu Udeshiya Sanstha |
Other Popular Names: |
School Type: |
Montessori, Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School |
About Gurukul Dnyanpeeth School
Gurukul Dnyanpeeth School is situated in Sagwan, Buldhana in Maharashtra. It is one of the top-rated English medium co-educational CBSE affiliated secondary schools providing education to its students since the year 2015. This Tukaram Patil Bahu Udeshiya Sanstha established school offers facilities like a standard-sized football ground, basketball courts, three shuttle badminton courts, a number of tables for table tennis and a roller skating rink.
Gurukul Dnyanpeeth School Sagwan has its own buses for transportation. It has a well-furnished reading room cum library with audio-visual facilities. Laboratories for all the branches under Science, Computer, Mathematics and Languages. The school has a wellness centre where nursing and a call on doctor facilities are provided. The school conducts medical checkup of the students twice a year and also conducts remedial and revision classes.
The classrooms use the latest technology. Individual cloak facilities are provided to the students. The school has a separate store wherein stationery items like books, notebooks, uniform and various articles of daily use are issued to the students.
Parents/guardians to visit the school office to procure the prescribed admission form. The forms are issued on all working days except Saturday and Sunday between 07.30 am to 04.30 pm.Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic YearPlease contact the school directly for the admission procedure in specific schools.
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