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M S Dhoni Global School, HSR layout, Bangalore

Would you like to get admission for your child to a reputed CBSE school in Bangalore? This school page provides information about one such school, namely the M S Dhoni Global School located at HSR Layout in Bangalore.
School Name: M S Dhoni Global School, HSR layout, Bangalore
Address: No. 47/1A,1B, Kudlu Gate,
HSR Extension (South),
State: Karnataka   Schools in Karnataka
City: HSR layout, Bangalore   Schools in HSR layout, Bangalore
Pincode: 560068
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 7397757777, 7397767777
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names:
School Type: PlaySchool, Montessori, Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School

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About M S Dhoni Global School

M S Dhoni Global School located at HSR Layout in Bangalore, as the name itself suggests, the mentor of this prestigious school is none other than the legendary cricketer, M.S.Dhoni. It is a co-educational English medium school that imparts world-education with state of the art facilities from Preparatory to Grade VII. The school follows the latest curriculum by CBSE.

At M S Dhoni Global School the class zones are named in an ideal way, like Nursery and Upper Kindergarten known as Discoverers, Grom Grade I-V is known as Explorers and from Grade I-VII is known as Innovators.

The school has some of the best facilities like students gallery, storytelling zone, learning studio, role play or presentation zone learning suite, digital education, laboratories for Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Artificial Reality, Mixed Reality, Computer Science and Language.

The school offers a child-safe environment with round the clock security, 360 Degree CCTV surveillance, and fitted with the best risk management system. There are ample green spaces and overall, M S Dhoni Global School has a highly sanitized and hygienic school campus.

The school has the distinction of partnering with Microsoft through their Showcase School Program. This facility enables the school with Skype in all the classrooms. The playground has facilities for Tennis, Cricket, basketball, football, and other outdoor sports disciplines.

There are nutrition experts to guide the parents with a healthy diet chart as per the child's body requirement. There are scientifically backed Yoga and meditation centers, various wellness programs along with counseling. The school also organizes yearly educational and recreational trips.

M S Dhoni Global School has a well equipped infirmary with full medical support staff. The school has partnership with nearby hospitals for handling emergencies.

Those who wish to enroll for admissions at this prestigious school are to obtain and submit the admission forms within the time frame. Candidates are required to qualify in the admission test. Parents to accompany candidates at the time of admission test and personal interview.

Admissions for 2024 - 2025 Academic Year

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