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Broadvision World School, Bangalore

Broadvision World School is a reputed CBSE-affiliated school in Bangalore. Get the latest contact information from this school page to find out about the school fees and admission process of Broadvision World School, Bangalore.
School Name: Broadvision World School, Bangalore
Address: Hennur Garden, Hennur Road Cross,
Near D'Mart, Ward No 24, Bangalore
State: Karnataka   Schools in Karnataka
City: Bangalore   Schools in Bangalore
Pincode: 560043
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 9513917595, 8884722222, 9513763997
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names:
School Type: Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School

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About Broadvision World School

Broadvision World School located in Bangalore is a highly rated school in terms quality of education and infrastructure facilities. The school is built on a picturesque 2 acres of land, far off from traffic and pollution. A co-ed English medium school, it is affiliated with the CBSE.

Broadvision World School makes the learning environment easy through the usage of the latest educational aids. All classrooms are fitted with smart board and there are laboratory facilities for all the branches of Science apart from Computers.

The school library has a huge reading hall equipped with state of the art furniture. The sports ground is well-maintained and has facilities for all outdoor and indoor sports.

The school has an amphitheater workshops, seminars and functions. CCTV cameras are installed at all prime places. The school has an infirmary equipped with all basic medical facilities.

Candidates who wish to enrol at Broadvision World School may do so through the online admission registration form provided at the school website. Candidates are to pay a non-refundable fee for registration. Parents/Guardians may visit the school to complete the registration process. Candidates have to qualify in the written assessment and all admissions are against vacant seats available.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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