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Vidyaniketan School, Dhamangaon

Are you searching for the email ID and postal address of Vidyaniketan School in Dhamangaon? Know the complete postal address and email ID for communication of the CBSE-affiliated Vidyaniketan School, Dhamangaon, Maharashtra from this school page.
School Name: Vidyaniketan School, Dhamangaon
Address: Anjansingi Road,
Dhamangaon Rly-444709,
Dist. Amravati,
State: Maharashtra   Schools in Maharashtra
City: Dhamangaon   Schools in Dhamangaon
Pincode: 444709
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 7222-237804/ Mob: 9340156229, 7058319226
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools Dhamangaon Education Society
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: Vidyaniketan CBSE School
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School

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About Vidyaniketan School

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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Established in 2020, the Vidyaniketan CBSE school is under the management of the Dhamangaon Education Society (DES). The school with classes from the primary level to the senior secondary level has excellent academic facilities and sports infrastructure. There are plenty of co-scholastic and extra-curricular activities for children, such as vocal and Instrumental music, dance, Art and Craft, gardenings, debates and poetry sessions, SUPW, etc.

Campus infrastructure

The eco-friendly campus of Vidyaniketan CBSE school has large classrooms with Digital Boards, a well-stocked library, Biology, Physics and Chemistry labs, a special 'lab' where the younger children can enjoy general tinkering with various things, five computer labs, and a language lab to develop English communication skills and build vocabulary. On the sports front, there is a football field and a volleyball court outdoors, and facilities for table tennis, skating, carrom, chess, judo, aerobics, yoga, and aeromodelling. There is a well-maintained health center with basic medical facilities, with a full-time qualified nurse and a pediatrician in attendance. A tie-up with a local hospital ensures that there are beds reserved for students who require immediate attention in case of a major medical emergency. Regular medical check-ups are scheduled, and health cards are maintained. School bus facility is available for pick up and drop-offs.

Admission procedure

Currently, admission is available from Class 1 to Class VIII. The minimum age criteria for Class 1 as per the State Govt. norms is 6 years. There is a one-time non-refundable registration fee of Rs.1000/-. The school fee for the academic years 2021-22 is Rs.27,500/- and can be paid in two installments, with 50% at the time of admission, and the remaining 50% in December.

Along with the completed application form for admission, and the registration fee, the following documents have to be submitted at the school's administrative front desk-
  1. The latest colour passport size photo of the student

  2. A photo of the parent with the child (size of the photo should be 5cm x 3.5cm)

  3. A photocopy of birth certificate (must be attested)

  4. A photocopy of the result of the previous class (must be attested)

  5. The original Medical certificate of the student

Selection process

Students have to appear for a basic admission test as per the scheduled date and time. Students who clear the admission test then have to appear for an interview with both parents.

Note that meritorious students may be considered for mid-term admission on grounds of transfer or change of school. The Transfer Certificate (TC) from the previous school is mandatory and should be submitted within 15 days after the start of the academic session. Those children who are from outstation must get their TC countersigned by the District Educational Officer (DEO).

- Vandana

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