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TOMOAE School, Buldhana

Looking for a co-ed CBSE school with low tuition fees in Buldhana? Through this school page, you will know about the infrastructure and facilities of TOMOAE School, Buldhana, Maharashtra as well as the school fees.
School Name: TOMOAE School, Buldhana
Address: Birsingpur Road,
Near Krida Sankul,
Tal. and Dist. Buldhana
State: Maharashtra   Schools in Maharashtra
City: Buldhana   Schools in Buldhana
Pincode: 443001
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 7767 000 878
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools Abhijat Multipurpose Society
Other Popular Names:
School Type: Montessori, Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School

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About TOMOAE School

Learn, Explore and Enjoy is the motto of TOMOAE School, Buldhana (also spelled Buldana), a co-ed CBSE-affiliated English medium school up to Class 10. Initially having classes from Std.1, the school now also gives admission to the pre-primary section (Nursery, Jr. KG and Sr. KG). An interesting point to note is that the school teachers do not assign homework to students of Class 1 and 2.

School facilities

The school campus of TOMOAE School, Buldhana is enclosed with a fenced-in boundary wall and a security guard mans the main gate at all times. CCTV installed on the campus also ensures security and safety. Other than classrooms, the school has a library with textbooks and reference books neatly stacked on shelves and reading spaces within the library area. Other infrastructure includes a computer lab, a science lab, a maths lab, and a music room with a keyboard, harmoniums, and Tablas.

Bus transport facility is available for all students, whether staying nearby or some distance away within Buldhana.

Sports: There is a huge playground out front, for sports and games, with areas demarcated for hurdles, shot put, long jump and archery. The sports equipment for badminton, cricket, football, volleyball, athletics, board games, etc is well-maintained in its own dedicated room and there are areas for Yoga and Karate.

To know about the campus, parents can check out the informative video on the school's website.

Admission procedure at TOMOAE School Buldhana

Parents can fill in the online admission form that is available at the school's website and pay the school fee online through NEFT.

School fees

The fee for admission to TOMOAE School, Buldhana is Rs. 2500/-. The other fees are as follows- The Term fee is Rs.2500/-, the Tuition fee is Rs. 8000/-, and the Exam fee is Rs. 4500/-.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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