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Millennium World School Faridabad

Are you looking for school admissions in Faridabad? Check this school page to get world-class education and amenities provided at Millennium World School in Faridabad. Also, get contact details and other aspects of this school in Faridabad.
School Name: Millennium World School Faridabad
Address: 'B' Block, BPTP Parkland,
Sector 85, Faridabad
State: Haryana   Schools in Haryana
City: Faridabad   Schools in Faridabad
Pincode: 121002
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 9625224400, 9625222400
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: The Millennium School
School Type: Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Millennium World School Faridabad

Millennium World School located in Faridabad is one among several schools across the country established by Millennium Group of Schools simultaneously in the year 2019. The school provides a global approach in terms of academics through its highly skilled and trained teaching staff.

This English medium co-educational school offers education up to the Senior Secondary level. The innovative method of teaching, unique method of curriculum, approach to various non-academic activities in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are the essence of this school.

Millennium World School offers world-class infrastructure like spacious and ventilated classrooms with ultra-modern furniture. All the classrooms use smart board facilities. The library has a huge stock of books and has the right environment for learning. It has state of the art laboratories and sports facilities at its playground, indoor stadium and a swimming pool. The school has a fully-equipped infirmary with full-time nursing facility and beds. There are avenues for Yoga, Meditation and activities like painting, drawing, music and dance.

The school organises periodical tours and excursions based on the educational needs and interests of the students. Several clubs and societies are established based on students interests in subjects like visual arts, environment, IT, astronomy, public speaking, robotics, mathematics, dramatics, science, heritage etc.

Those who wish to enrol at Millennium World School can make an online enquiry through the school website. For registrations, candidates will have to visit the school office on any working day.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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