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Rio World Academy, Azamgarh

Looking for a CBSE school offering education at the higher secondary level as well in Azamgarh, UP? Rio World Academy is a CBSE-affiliated school that has classes from the KG level to Class 12. Get an informative insight into the school's activities and know the facilities available on the campus through this school page.
School Name: Rio World Academy, Azamgarh
Address: Manoa, Khaniyara,
near Lalganj Market,
Lalganj, Azamgarh
State: Uttar Pradesh   Schools in Uttar Pradesh
City: Azamgarh   Schools in Azamgarh
Pincode: 276202
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: +91-7571089382/7571089381
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names:
School Type: Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Rio World Academy School

Established in 2013, Rio World Academy in Lalganj Tehsil, Azamgarh is a co-ed English medium higher secondary educational institute affiliated to the CBSE Board, New Delhi. Classes are from Lower Kindergarten (LKG) to Class 12.


Children of Rio World Academy enjoy co-curricular activities such as music, Western and Indian dance, fine arts, art and craft, etc. Students are encouraged to take part in sports, theatre, and dramatics. Programs related to health and hygiene, developing leadership skills, etc are scheduled from time to time.

Remedial classes for students facing difficulties in specific subjects can be arranged, and specialized teaching methods are used for differently-abled children

Campus infrastructure

The campus of Rio World Academy, Azamgarh is spread over more than 8000sq.mtrs, out of which nearly 6000sq.mtrs. is for the playground. There are 36 classrooms within the academic building with some of them having digital teaching tools, as also a library, science, math and computer labs, a medical room, an AV room, a canteen, etc. The school has over a dozen buses for transportation of the students to and fro.

Admission procedure

Parents seeking admission to Rio World Academy can fill up the online admission form that is available on the school's portal.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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