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Mahesh English School and S.R.Chandak High School, Solapur

Looking for a school with higher secondary classes in Solapur? Know about Mahesh English School and S.R.Chandak High School, Solapur which has a higher secondary section, and get the contact details of the school to know about their admission process.
School Name: Mahesh English School and S.R.Chandak High School, Solapur
Address: 194/1, Chandak Prangan,
Budhwar Peth
State: Maharashtra   Schools in Maharashtra
City: Solapur   Schools in Solapur
Pincode: 413002
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 0217-2326276/2326270
Email: ,    
Board: Maharashtra State
Management: Private Schools Maheshwari Vidya Pracharak Mandal
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: MES
School Type: Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Mahesh English School and S.R.Chandak High School

Established in 1994, Mahesh English School and S.R.Chandak High School, Solapur is a Hindi Linguistic minority institution under the management of the Maheshwari Vidya Pracharak Mandal, Pune. Classes are from the Nursery to the higher secondary level. The two-storeyed building has classrooms, a library, a music room, science labs, etc. Students are encouraged to participate in activities like quizzes, yoga, craft, drawing, etc.

Admission procedure

Parents seeking admission to the school have to first register online. They will then be called for an introduction session at the school. Once they get the intimation via SMS/Email about the admission result, the prescribed fee has to be paid as per schedule. A pre-admission medical check-up will be followed by the completion of the admission process at the campus. Subsequently, a meeting with class teachers will be scheduled prior to the commencement of classes for the academic year.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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