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RPS International School Gurugram

Looking for the top schools in Gurgaon with modern infrastructure and presence in various cities? This post provides complete details about RPS International School Gurugram which would assist you to contact there.
School Name: RPS International School Gurugram
Address: Opp. Arcadia Market,
Sector 50, Gurugram
State: Haryana   Schools in Haryana
City: Gurugram   Schools in Gurugram
Pincode: 122018
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: +91-8409989898
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: RPS School
School Type: Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About RPS International School Gurugram

RPS or Rao Prahalad Singh International School has presence in various cities imparting quality knowledge to the students for 23 years. The school has been ranked among the top five schools in the country.


The schools' smart classrooms assist teachers in imparting knowledge through audio-visual aids. Animated videos are used for teaching typical concepts in the most interesting manner. In the present era technology is the most essential for the growing minds nation and hence the school has a dedicated computer lab with the latest computers. Uninterrupted internet connection is also a highlighting feature.

For imbibing good reading habits among students and making them interact with knowledge other than their study books the school has a well-stocked spacious library with various books, newspapers, and magazines.

To bring out the creativity of tiny tots and groom their skills from the very beginning the school has a dedicated activity room for the kindergarten students.

The school has a world-class shooting range that can bring out the best shooters for the nation. The shooting range is furnished with all the facilities and the students are trained under the supervision of qualified trainers.

Sports play a vital role in everyone's life and help for the all round development of a student. At RPS there are various sports facilities available and students are trained under the supervision of dedicated coaches. Various outdoor games include cricket, football, basketball, and volleyball. Moreover, for those who take interest in indoor games, there are chess, carom, shooting, martial arts, table tennis, and skating.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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