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Frame International School, Dausa

Are you in search of top boarding schools in Dausa? This post provides complete details about Frame International School, Dausa which would be helpful to your search.
School Name: Frame International School, Dausa
Address: Jirota Mod,
Jaipur Road, Dausa,
State: Rajasthan   Schools in Rajasthan
City: Dausa   Schools in Dausa
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: +91-9887009991, +91-9887009992
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names:
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Frame International School, Dausa

Frame International School is the first day boarding school established in Dausa. The school empowers students not only in the field of academics but also focuses on co-curricular activities for all round development. The school has a very good infrastructure and is spread across a large area. The school has good quality furniture and a well-maintained interior.

For the safety and security of students, CCTVs are installed keeping an eye on the premises. For imparting practical knowledge to students, the school has well-equipped laboratories for physics, life sciences, chemistry and mathematics. The school has a computer lab and a digital library is also made available to the students.

The school owns a fleet of buses covering the city that are fully air-conditioned. For the safety of students, a coordinator, driver and teacher are available on the buses. The school also does routine checkups of the buses so that students do not face any problems. To cope with emergencies every safety measure is present in the buses.

The school also pays focus on activities like dancing, theatre and singing. Regular classes and inter-school competitions are organised so that interested students can hone their skills.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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