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Major Hemant Jakate Vidyaniketan, Nagpur

Looking for an English-medium CBSE school with a higher secondary section in Nagpur, Maharashtra? One of the well-known CBSE schools in Nagpur is Major Hemant Jakate Vidyaniketan, which also offers the State Board curriculum, and has a junior college section. Know more about the school campus and activities.
School Name: Major Hemant Jakate Vidyaniketan, Nagpur
Address: Rambhau Mhalgi Nagar,
Ring Road, Nagpur
State: Maharashtra   Schools in Maharashtra
City: Nagpur   Schools in Nagpur
Pincode: 440034
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: +91 7304801020, 0712 2754545
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools Manisha Shikshan Prasarak Mandal
Other Popular Names:
School Type: Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Major Hemant Jakate Vidyaniketan School

Established by the Manisha Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Major Hemant Jakate Vidyaniketan in Nagpur has classes from the pre-primary to the higher secondary level. The pre-primary sections are Nursery, Lower KG, and Upper KG. The co-ed English medium school offers both, the CBSE and State Board curricula. Other than regular subjects, students are imparted computer education, PT, music, art & craft, etc. Scouts & Guides and sports are part of the co-scholastic activities. Recreational excursions and educational trips for various classes are also scheduled from time to time.

Commerce and Science streams are the options at the higher secondary level, which is the Major Hemant Jakate Institute of Science and Technology. Teachers conduct career guidance sessions and personality development programs for secondary and higher secondary students. Students also get guidance for preparing for prestigious scholarship and talent exams, such as the National Talent Search Exam, JEE, etc.

Campus infrastructure

The campus of Major Hemant Jakate Vidyaniketan, Nagpur has computer labs, science labs, a library, and rooms for art, music, dance, etc. Sports facilities are provided for football, cricket, basketball, indoor games, etc. The students of the pre-primary section have their own play zone and activity room.

Admission procedure

Parents who wish to apply for admission for their children Major Hemant Jakate Vidyaniketan, Nagpur should contact the school office to know the schedule, documents required, fees, etc.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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