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Vivek International Public School, Baddi

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School Name: Vivek International Public School, Baddi
Address: Housing board colony phase iii baddi solan himachal pradesh
State: Himachal Pradesh   Schools in Himachal Pradesh
City: Baddi   Schools in Baddi
Pincode: 173205
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 01795 247766, 616450
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools Swami Vivekananda Edu Soc
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School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School

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About Vivek International Public School

Vivek International Public School is an English medium co-educational school which is managed by Swami Vivekananda Educational Society. The school was founded in the year 2002. The school is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The school imparts education from pre-nursery to higher secondary level in all the three streams i.e. arts, science and commerce.

All the teachers and other staff members are highly qualifies and experience. The school aims to provide all the necessary support to the students.

The school campus is located in a pollution free area and has a background of Shivalik ranges. The school campus has been developed in an area of almost 6800 sq. ft. Playground has been developed for mulch-purpose sports. The classrooms, labs and libraries have all the amenities which is required to provide proper education and knowledge. The school has collaborated with EDUComp solutions to provide digital learning to the students. Computer labs and mathematics lab are an added advantage for better curriculum. A separate room has been developed for art and music. Park area has been developed for kindergarten students.

To develop the overall personality of the students, debate, quiz, drama, cultural programs, sports events are organized regularly.
The students can avail boarding and hostel facilities.

Tuition fees of the each class varies. It ranges from 650- 1600 which has to paid monthly. Apart from tuition fees, students have to pay computer fees and annual maintenance fees.

School timing is different for summer and winter season.
In summer:
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.(Pre-nursery - K.G.)
8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.(Class I to class XII)

In winter:
8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.(Pre-nursery - K.G.)
8:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.(Class I to class XII)

Timing for Saturday is different.

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    Updates & Comments:

    Posted By: Madhvee Chaubey    Posted Date: 24 Jul 2012   
    The school is located in Baddi.

    The correct pin code of the city is 173205

    The email address of the school is,

    The website of the school is

    About the school:
    Vivek International Public School is an English medium co-educational school which is managed by Swami Vivekananda Educational Society. The school was founded in the year 2002. The school is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The school imparts education from pre-nursery to higher secondary level in all the three streams i.e. arts, science and commerce.

    All the teachers and other staff members are highly qualifies and experience. The school aims to provide all the necessary support to the students.

    The school campus is located in a pollution free area and has a background of Shivalik ranges. The school campus has been developed in an area of almost 6800 sq. ft. Playground has been developed for mulch-purpose sports. The classrooms, labs and libraries have all the amenities which is required to provide proper education and knowledge. The school has collaborated with EDUComp solutions to provide digital learning to the students. Computer labs and mathematics lab are an added advantage for better curriculum. A separate room has been developed for art and music. Park area has been developed for kindergarten students.

    To develop the overall personality of the students, debate, quiz, drama, cultural programs, sports events are organized regularly.
    The students can avail boarding and hostel facilities.

    Tuition fees of the each class varies. It ranges from 650- 1600 which has to paid monthly. Apart from tuition fees, students have to pay computer fees and annual maintenance fees.

    School timing is different for summer and winter season.
    In summer:
    8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.(Pre-nursery - K.G.)
    8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.(Class I to class XII)

    In winter:
    8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.(Pre-nursery - K.G.)
    8:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.(Class I to class XII)

    Timing for Saturday is different.

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