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Guru Nanak Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Chennai

Searching for information about where the Guru Nanak Matriculation Higher Secondary School in Chennai is located? This school page will provide the complete postal address to know the location of the School in Velachery, Chennai. Learn too about this school's facilities & read reviews about it.
School Name: Guru Nanak Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Chennai
Address: Velachery, Chennai - 600042, Tamil Nadu
State: Tamil Nadu   Schools in Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai   Schools in Chennai
Pincode: 600042
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 044-22452253, Fax : 044-22448535
Board: Tamil Nadu State
Management: Govt Aided Private Schools
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: Guru Nanak School
School Type: Kinder Garten, Higher Secondary School

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About Guru Nanak Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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Guru Nanak Matriculation Higher Secondary School is a co-educational institution and English is the medium of instruction. The school is affiliated to the Tamil Nadu state board of secondary education and it offers education from Pre. KG to class XII. The school educates the students academically and also feeds the moral and spiritual values to the students.


Guru Nanak School provides high quality education to the students as per the syllabus of Tamil Nadu state board. From class I to X, the school educates the students in the subjects such as Tamil, English, Mathematics, Science, Social studies and Computer. In addition to the academic subjects, the school also involves the students into extra-curricular activities by conducting the activity classes such as drawing, fine arts and physical education. To educate the students about the moral, cultural and spiritual values, the school regularly conducts compulsory value education class from I to IX.

For higher secondary classes (class XI and XII), the school has the following groups.

Group I: Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
Group II: Computer Science ,Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
Group III: Commerce, Elements of Economics, Business Mathematics, Accountancy
Group IV: Computer Science, Elements of Economics, Accountancy, Commerce

In addition to the above mentioned subjects, the students must learn English, Tamil/Hindi/French. English is the compulsory language. From Tamil/Hindi/French, the students can opt for any one language based on their interest.

The school evaluates the academic performance of the students by conducting tests and exams. For KG classes, the school assesses the activities of the child through comprehensive assessment. From class I to IX, the school regularly conducts mid-term examination and terminal examinations. From class X to XII, the school conducts unit test, weekly test, monthly tests and terminal examinations. The school conducts special coaching classes for students who score low marks. It gives extra care to the students of class X and XII and prepares them to face the board examinations.


Guru Nanak School is located at Velachery and is easily accessible. The school campus is large and has separate buildings and academic blocks. The classrooms are spacious, furnished , ventilated and fitted with smart boards and public audio systems. The school has laboratories for physics, chemistry, biology and computer. All the laboratories are equipped with latest and modern equipment as per the norms of the Tamil Nadu state board. Separate air-conditioned computer labs are available for primary, middle and higher secondary classes. The school library has more than 3500 books on different genres. The school campus has a canteen and it offers hygienic and nutritious food to both the students and staff members. The school has a large playground, polyclinic and play area for kids. The entire campus of the school is under the surveillance of CCTV cameras. The school also has RO water plant, solar power and generators.


The school is a part of social wings such as Road Safety Patrol, NCC and NSS. The school encourages the students to be an active volunteer in the social wings and involves them into student related activities and motivates them to participate in awareness programmes, welfare programmes, rallies, etc. There's a school band that performs at important events such as Sports Day, Independence Day, Republic Day, etc. Other activities the school concentrates on are sports, art and craft, yoga and karate. The school conducts competitions and events to unleash the creativity and talent of the students.

- Soundharya

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