Schools in West Bengal

Are you looking for the best CBSE, ICSE and State Syllabus schools in West Bengal? Find the list of best schools in West Bengal. Find admission notifications and school contact details.

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    West Bengal (Show all states).

    Are you looking for the best CBSE, ICSE and State Syllabus schools in West Bengal? Find the list of best schools in West Bengal. Find admission notifications and school contact details.

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    School NameCityStateBoard

    Butter Butter Fly Primary School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Calcutta Boys' School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Campion International School, Siliguri

    SiliguriWest BengalIGCSE

    Casa - Die - Bambini A Montessori House of Children, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalCBSE

    Central Model School, Amtala, South 24 Parganas

    Amtala, South 24 ParganasWest BengalCBSE

    Central Modern School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Central Point School, Sodepur, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Chatterjee National School, Biranagar

    BiranagarWest BengalICSE

    Contai Public School

    ContaiWest BengalICSE

    Dakshindari Siksha Niketan, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalWest Bengal State

    DAV Public School, Bishnupur

    BishnupurWest BengalCBSE

    De Paul School, Bansdroni, Kolkata

    Bansdroni, KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Delhi Public School, Joka, South Kolkata

    Joka, South KolkataWest BengalCBSE

    Delhi Public School Burdwan

    BurdwanWest BengalCBSE

    Delhi Public School Howrah in Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalCBSE

    Disari Public School, Haldia

    HaldiaWest BengalICSE

    Divyayan Montessori House of Children, Kolkata

    Kolkata West BengalCBSE

    Doon Heritage School, Siliguri, Darjeeling

    Siliguri, DarjeelingWest BengalCBSE

    Doon Techno School, Howrah

    HowrahWest BengalCBSE


    SiliguriWest BengalWest Bengal State

    Elias Meyer FS & TT, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalWest Bengal State

    Eurokids - Raniganj, Burdwan

    BurdwanWest BengalWest Bengal State

    Eurokids Ballygunge, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalWest Bengal State

    EuroKids Bandel, Hoogly

    HooglyWest BengalWest Bengal State

    Eurokids Behala, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalWest Bengal State

    EuroKids Dum Dum Park, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalWest Bengal State

    Eurokids Garia, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalWest Bengal State

    Eurokids Howrah S.B Road

    HowrahWest BengalWest Bengal State

    Eurokids Jodhpur Gardens, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalWest Bengal State

    Eurokids Lake Town, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalWest Bengal State

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