ICSE Schools in West Bengal

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    Are you looking for ICSE schools in West Bengal? Find the list of best ICSE schools in West Bengal. Read school reviews and contact details.

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    School NameCityStateBoard

    St. Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Assembly Of God Church School, Durgapur

    DurgapurWest BengalICSE

    Carmel Convent (Steel Township), Durgapur

    DurgapurWest BengalICSE

    A G Church School, Durgapur

    DurgapurWest BengalICSE

    A.G. Church's School, Burdwan

    BurdwanWest BengalICSE

    Adamas International School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Admire Eng.Med. School, Howrah

    HowrahWest BengalICSE

    Agrasain Balika Siksha Sadan, Howrah

    HowrahWest BengalICSE

    Agrasain Boy's School, Liluah, Howrah

    Liluah, HowrahWest BengalICSE

    Albany Hall Public School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Alhoda International School, Howrah

    HowrahWest BengalICSE

    Assembly of Christ School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Assembly of God Church School, Asansol

    AsansolWest BengalICSE

    Assembly of God Church School, Sodepur, Chinakuri

    ChinakuriWest BengalICSE

    Auxilium Convent School, Hooghly

    HooghlyWest BengalICSE

    Auxilium Convent School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Auxilium Convent School, Siliguri

    SiliguriWest BengalICSE

    Auxilium Convent School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Beginners Montessori, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Belle Vue Boarding School, Darjeeling

    DarjeelingWest BengalICSE

    Better High School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Bharatia Bastra Silpa Pratisthan, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Bidhan Nagar Government Bhawan, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Butter Butter Fly Primary School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Calcutta Boys' School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Calcutta Public School, Baguiati, Kolkata

    Baguiati, KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Calcutta Public School, Barahnagar, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Carmel High School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Central Modern School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

    Central Point School, Kolkata

    KolkataWest BengalICSE

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