List of Karnataka State schools in Mysore, Karnataka

Find the list of Karnataka State schools in Mysore, Karnataka. Find admission details of various Karnataka State schools in Mysore

Are you looking for the best Karnataka State schools in Mysore, Karnataka? Find the admission notifications and list of the leading Karnataka State schools in Mysore, Karnataka. Get admissions for professional courses for the academic year 2025 - 2026.

List of Karnataka State Schools in Mysore

Kids Academy

Kids Academy, Mysore is well known preschool in the city of Mysore

DGTM English Medium School

Want to get your child admitted to a state board English medium school in Mysuru? Then learn here about DGTM English medium school, its facilities, infrastructure classes and the contact details.

Chinmaya Vidyalaya

Would you like to apply to Chinmaya Vidyalaya in Mysore for admissions for your child? Get the contact numbers of the State Board affiliated Chinmaya Vidyalaya in Mysore and find out about the school fees & admission process.

Kannika Cauvery School

Do you want your ward to join the Kannika Cauvery School in Mysore? Check out from this school page the facilities and infrastructure of the Kannika Cauvery School at Hebbal in Mysore, before applying for admission.

Dalvoy High School

Looking for the contact details of Dalvoy High School in Mysore? Right here in this school page you will get to know the details of Dalvoy High School located at Krishnaraja Mohalla in Mysore.

Royal English School

Would you like to get admission for your child to a reputed state board school in Mysore? This school page provides information about one such school, namely the Royal English School located in Mandi Mohall at Mysore

If you are looking for admission consultants who can help you secure admissions in some of the best Karnataka State schools in Mysore, we can connect you with the reliable and trusted admission consultants in the city. Submit your preferred school details and we will connect you with the right education consultants.

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