Schools in Uttar Pradesh

Are you looking for the best CBSE, ICSE and State Syllabus schools in Uttar Pradesh? Find the list of best schools in Uttar Pradesh. Find admission notifications and school contact details.

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    Are you looking for the best CBSE, ICSE and State Syllabus schools in Uttar Pradesh? Find the list of best schools in Uttar Pradesh. Find admission notifications and school contact details.

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    School NameCityStateBoard

    Kids Garden Play School, Allahabad

    AllahabadUttar PradeshUttar Pradesh State

    St. Paul's School, Gorakhpur,

    Gorakhpur,Uttar PradeshICSE

    Amrit Public School, Mau

    MauUttar PradeshCBSE

    Asha Modern school, Varanasi

    VaranasiUttar PradeshCBSE

    Bal Bharti Public School, Noida

    NoidaUttar PradeshCBSE

    Bal Bharti School, Prayagraj

    PrayagrajUttar PradeshCBSE

    Bal Jyoti Public School Ghaziabad

    GhaziabadUttar PradeshCBSE

    Brainworks, Varanasi

    VaranasiUttar Pradesh

    Buddha Public School, Lucknow, Bahraich

    BahraichUttar PradeshCBSE

    Central Academy, Lucknow

    LucknowUttar PradeshCBSE

    CH. Kehar Singh Divya Public School, Baghpat

    BaghpatUttar PradeshCBSE

    Chandra Public School, Mau

    MauUttar PradeshCBSE

    Children School, Allahabad

    AllahabadUttar PradeshCBSE

    DAV Public School, Baghpat

    BaghpatUttar PradeshCBSE

    Delhi Public Convent school, Ballia

    BalliaUttar PradeshCBSE

    Deoria Senior Secondary School

    DeoriaUttar PradeshCBSE

    Dev Krishna Public School, Baghpat

    BaghpatUttar PradeshCBSE

    Doon Public School, Lakhimpur-Kheri

    Lakhimpur-KheriUttar PradeshCBSE

    Dr. K.N. Modi Global School, Modinagar

    ModinagarUttar PradeshCBSE

    Dr. Rizvi Springfield School, Kaushambi

    KaushambiUttar PradeshCBSE

    East Delhi Public School, Ghaziabad

    GhaziabadUttar PradeshCBSE

    Gateway International School, Baghpat

    BaghpatUttar PradeshCBSE

    Gautam Public School, Ghaziabad

    GhaziabadUttar PradeshCBSE

    Golden Flower Senior Secondary School, Kheri

    KheriUttar PradeshCBSE

    Gopal Public School, Sultanpur

    SultanpurUttar PradeshCBSE

    Hallmark World School, Gorakhpur

    GorakhpurUttar PradeshCBSE

    Holi Angels Public School, Deoria

    DeoriaUttar PradeshCBSE

    Laurels International School, Allahabad

    AllahabadUttar PradeshCBSE

    Leelawati Public School, Ghaziabad

    GhaziabadUttar PradeshCBSE

    Little Millennium Noida

    NoidaUttar Pradesh

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