List of schools in Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Find the list of all schools in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. Find admission details of various CBSE schools, ICSE schools, IGCSE and other state schools in Aurangabad

Are you looking for the best schools in Aurangabad, Maharashtra? Find the admission notifications and list of the leading schools in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. Get admissions for professional courses for the academic year 2025 - 2026.

List of Schools in Aurangabad

Al-Irfan School, Aurangabad

Al-Irfan School, Aurangabad is reputed school in Aurangabad. Listed below are all the vital details about Al-Irfan School, Aurangabad for your reference.

Serra International Pre-school Aurangabad

Are you searching the contact details of SERRA international preschool, Aurangabad? Learn about the address and contact information of Serra International preschool, Aurangabad, in this post

Tender Care Home

Looking to admit your child to a CBSE school in Aurangabad? Try the Tender Care Home. Hereunder provided is the latest address, phone numbers, email, website etc of the Tender Care Home school.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Aurangabad

The Kendriya Vidyalaya, Aurangabad is a CBSE-affiliated school in Maharashtra. Get to know the detailed contact information of the Kendriya Vidyalaya, Aurangabad from this school post.

Dr Y S Khedkar International School, Aurangabad

Do you need to send the tender of the canteen of the Dr Zakir Husain Memorial Senior Secondary School, Delhi? You can find the mail-ID of the Dr Zakir Husain Memorial Senior Secondary School, Delhi in this post.

Tanwani English School

Looking for the postal address of Tanwani English School in Aurangabad, Maharashtra? Know the complete postal address as well as the contact phone numbers, and email ID of this State Board-affiliated school.

Sahyadri School

Want to know about the sports facilities and infrastructure on the campus of Sahyadri School, Aurangabad? Learn about the contemporary facilities of the CBSE-affiliated Sahyadri School, and obtain the current contact numbers and email ID of the school.

V.R. Scholarden School

V.R. Scholarden School, Aurangabad has an eco-friendly campus. Learn other interesting information about the campus and the activities that students enjoy from this informative school page.

Maharashtra Public School

Are you looking for admission in CBSE affiliated schools in Aurangabad, Maharashtra? Maharashtra Public School, Aurangabad is a reputed English medium school. Get complete contact details, infrastructure facilities offered by the school and other aspects of Maharashtra Public School, Aurangabad.

Krishna International School

Are you searching for a primary school in Kannad locality of the District of Aurangabad? Krishna International School is a co-ed school up to Class 7. Know more details of this CBSE-affiliated school, including the facilities and contact email ID.

Gaikwad Global School Beed

Are you searching for the contact phone number of Gaikwad Global School Beed, Aurangabad? The correct contact number and postal address of CBSE-affiliated Gaikwad Global School in Beed, Aurangabad has been provided below. Detailed information on the academics' methodology and activities of the school have also been provided.

Fransalian School of Excellence

Looking for information on the online registration process for admission to Fransalian School of Excellence in Aurangabad? The complete step by step procedure to register online for admission to the proposed CBSE-affiliated Fransalian School of Excellence has been provided below. Parents can also know the address of the school to obtain the registration form offline and the list of documents to be submitted.

Gaikwad Global School

Are you in a search of contact details of Gaikwad Global School in Aurangabad, Maharashtra? Find the updated contact details like full postal address, latest contact numbers of Gaikwad Global School from this school page.

Deogiri Global Academy

Would you like to get admission for your child to a reputed CBSE school in Aurangabad? This school page provides information about one such school, namely the Deogiri Global Academy located at Aurangabad in Maharashtra.

Cambridge School

Would you like to get admission for your child to a reputed ICSE school at Aurangabad in Maharashtra? This school page provides information about one such school, namely the Cambridge School, located at Aurangabad in Maharashtra.

List of all CBSE Schools in Aurangabad Maharashtra State Schools in Aurangabad Maharastra State Schools in Aurangabad ICSE Schools in Aurangabad

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