List of schools in Chandigarh, Chandigarh

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List of Schools in Chandigarh

Chandigarh Baptist School

Want to know about Chandigarh Baptist School located in Sector 45-D, Chandigarh? Find here all the details like phone numbers, postal address, email, website, co-curricular activities offered, admission procedure and a lot more.

Kendriya Vidyalaya AFS High Grounds, Chandigarh

Looking for the latest contact information on Kendriya Vidyalaya, AFS High Grounds, Chandigarh? Find here all the updated details of this central school,including, address, contact details, infrastructure and admission procedure.

Govt Senior Secondary School, Sector 37 C, Chandigarh

Would you like to join the Govt Senior Secondary School, Sector 37 C, Chandigarh as a stenographer & need the email of the school principal? Find posted below the latest phone number, full postal address, official e-mail, official website and reviews etc about the Govt Senior Secondary School, Sector 37 C, Chandigarh.

St Mary's School, Sector-46B

St Mary''s School is located at Sector 46-B in Chandigarh. It is an English medium, co-educational school affiliated to CBSE. Find here the details of the school.

Saupin's School, Sector- 32 A, Chandigarh

Go through this webpage if you need complete details of Saupin's School, Sector- 32 A, Chandigarh. Here on ISC you will find full review, official website address and latest contact details of Saupin's School, Sector- 32 A, Chandigarh.

Shishu Niketan Public School, Sector- 43 A, Chandigarh

Shishu Niketan Public School, Sector- 43 A, Chandigarh''s all recent contact details like new phone numbers and email ID are posted on this webpage. To note these and other important details of Shishu Niketan Public School, Sector- 43 A, Chandigarh visit ISC.

Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2 Chandigarh

Below is the post of Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2, Chandigarh which is a CBSE affiliated school. Go through the detailed, informative review of Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2, Chandigarh to know more about the facilities and infrastructure provided by the school.

I.S.D.S.G.High School

Are you looking for information about I.S.D.S.G.High School, Chandigarh . Get address and contact details about I.S.D.S.G.High School, Chandigarh here.

Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School, Sector- 26, Chandigarh

Leading educational website IndiaStudychannel.Com is updated with correct phone numbers and email id of Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School, Sector- 26, Chandigarh Find all updated contact information of Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School, Sector- 26, Chandigarh from this website.

The Banyan Tree School, Sector- 48 B, Chandigarh

Infrastructural details of The Banyan Tree School which is located at Sector- 48 B, Chandigarh are available on official website address of this school. To get official website address of The Banyan Tree School, Sector- 48 B, Chandigarh refer this page.

Modern Ways Model School, Chandigarh

Are you searching for the phone number of of Modern Ways Model School, Chandigarh? Find complete contact information ofModern Ways Model School, Chandigarh in the following school post.

The New Public School

Are you searching for the latest contact information about The New Public School in Chandigarh? Go through this school post to know the latest contact information such as the phone number, full postal address, official e-mail, etc of the The New Public School in Chandigarh.

Tribune Model School

Would you like to get admission for your child to a reputed CBSE school in Chandigarh? This school page provides information about one such school, namely the Tribune Model school in Sector 29D, which follows the CBSE curriculum.

Delhi Public School

Are you putting up in Chandigarh and are looking for the latest contact details of the Delhi Public School, Chandigarh? The detailed contact information of the Delhi Public School, Chandigarh is posted below.

Govt High School, Sector -35 D, Chandigarh

Do you want the latest contact information about the Govt High School, Sector -35 D, Chandigarh? This school post on ISC has the latest phone number, full postal address, official e-mail, official website and reviews about the Govt High School, Sector -35 D, Chandigarh.

Govt High School

Want to send your ward to a Government owned school in Chandigarh? Try the Government High School located in Sector 41 A, Chandigarh. To know about the school management, school review, contact address, phone numbers, email etc about Government High School, Sector 41 A, Chandigarh check out this space.

Govt High School

Search latest contact numbers and full postal address of Govt High School, sector 7C, Chandigarh on ISC''s following post. This post of Govt High School is affiliated to CBSE board and good for your child''s high school education as it''s popular for best teaching.

Govt High School, Dadu Majra

Information of Govt High School, Dadu Majra which is CBSE school if posted on following post of ISC. This post of Govt High School, Dadu Majra is good reference for you if you want latest telephone numbers, full postal address of this school.

Govt High School

Following post of Govt High School of sector- 24 A, Chandigarh has affiliated to the CBSE board, Delhi. has following post of Govt High School for your reference if need to know latest contact details and official website of this school.

Govt High School, Sarangpur

Take reference of below post of Govt High School, Sarangpur if you want to contact this school for the admission of your son. In following post of Govt High School, Sarangpur you will get to see full postal address as well as latest contact numbers of this school.

Govt High School

Check post of Govt High School which is in sector 37 D of Chandigarh. Following post of Govt High School has latest telephone numbers, official website, official email ID and full postal address of this school.

Govt High School

Govt High School of CBSE board is situated in sector 38B of Chandigarh. Check this post of Govt High School to get updated information like full postal address, latest contact numbers, official website and official email ID.

St. Peters School, Chandigarh

Education till senior secondary level is offered by St. Peters School, Chandigarh. Visit this webpage of St. Peters School, Chandigarh to know more details of this CBSE school.

Gyan Deep Model High School

Are you on a lookout for a good high school in Sector 20 C, Chandigarh? The following school post has all the latest contact information & first hand reviews about the Gyandeep Model High School, Sector 20 C, Chandigarh.

Ryan International School, Chandigarh

Ryan International School is located in sector- 49 B of Chandigarh city. Avail all the information of Ryan International School, Chandigarh from this post.

Shivalik Public School, Sector- 41 B

Shivalik Public School located in sector- 41 B of Chandigarh is Co-educational, English medium CBSE school. Get all details of Co-educational, English medium CBSE school from this post.

D A V Public School, Chandigarh

D A V Public School, Chandigarh is a senior secondary school affiliated to CBSE and offers good academics as well as extra-curricular activities. Go through the following school post to get the latest details such as phone numbers, accurate address, official mail ID, reviews and other details about D A V Public School, Chandigarh.

DAV Model School, Chandigarh

DAV Model School, Chandigarh is a well-known CSBE school under the management of the DAV College Managing Committee. Read impartial reviews and get current contact information of the DAV Model School, Chandigarh.

Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sector- 47, Chandigarh

In Chandigarh, Kendriya Vidyalaya located at Sector- 47 is one of the best vidyalaya. To contact Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sector- 47, Chandigarh use this post and get latest phone numbers.

Govt Model High School, Sector 34-C, Chandigarh

Did you study in the Govt Model High School, Sector 34-C, Chandigarh? Find the names of your class mates & much more in the following school post of the Govt Model High School, Sector 34-C, Chandigarh.

Govt High School, Manimajra

Are you looking for the complete postal address of the Govt High School, Manimajra? I have posted detailed contact information about the Govt High School, Manimajra in the following post.

Guru Nanak Public School, Sector-36 D

The Guru Nanak Public School is a good public, senior secondary school affiliated to CBSE in Sector-36 D, Chandigarh. Get to know the facilities provided & the prevailing fee structure of the Guru Nanak Public School, Sector-36 D, Chandigarh from here.

Guru Nanak Khalsa Sr. Secondary School

Guru Nanak Khalsa Senior Secondary School, Sector 30B, Chandigarh is CBSE affiliated school offering education from primary to higher secondary level. Refer this post to note full postal address of Guru Nanak Khalsa Senior Secondary School, Sector 30B, Chandigarh.

I. S. Dev Samaj Senior Secondary School

Ishwar Singh Dev Samaj Senior Secondary established in 1957 is affiliated to CBSE and running as co-educational since 2006. Here you will find details about like its Admission, Address, Fees and Reviews.

Mount Carmel School

New phone numbers of Mount Carmel School, Chandigarh are posted here in ISC. Note all latest contact numbers & official email id of Mount Carmel School, Chandigarh from this website.

Pandit Mohan Lal S. D. Public School

Want to visit Pandit Mohan Lal S. D. Public School which is in Sector- 32 C of Chandigarh? Then refer this post of Pandit Mohan Lal S. D. Public School, Sector- 32 C, Chandigarh to get full address of this school.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

Looking for a CBSE school in Chandigarh? Try Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Sector 25 (W), Chandigarh. Check out this space for latest contact information, address, phone numbers, email, website, reviews, management, admission procedure and a lot more about Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Sector 25 (W), Chandigarh.

Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sector- 31, Chandigarh

Spacious eco-friendly campus is available in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sector- 31, Chandigarh. For your reference I have submitted new official website & latest contact numbers of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sector- 31, Chandigarh.

Saint Soldier International School, Sector- 28 B, Chandigarh

To get correct phone numbers & email id of Saint Soldier International School, Sector- 28 B, Chandigarh do check this post of ISC. Along with latest contact details of Saint Soldier International School, Sector- 28 B, Chandigarh here you will also get full review of this school.

Air Force Regional School

The Air Force Regional School is located at 12-Wing Air Force Station, Chandigarh. It offers CBSE board of education and is managed by 12 Wing Air Force. Check out address, phone number, contact details, official mail ID and all other necessary information about Air Force Regional School here.

Air Force School 3BRD

Want to find a CBSE school in Chandigarh that gives admission preference to children of Air Force personnel? Check out contact details and impartial reviews of Air Force School, Chandigarh. This school offers excellent infrastructure and a holistic development to the child. Read more details about Air Force School, here.

Govt Girls Senior Secondary School

Govt Girls Senior Secondary School is located in Sector 8B of Chandigarh. To find latest contact numbers and full postal address of Govt Girls Senior Secondary School refer following post in ISC. Here you will also get official website address and official email ID of school.

Govt High School, Karsan

The school post is about the CBSE-affiliated Govt High School, Karsan. Go through this school post to know the latest phone number and full postal address about the Govt High School, Karsan, Chandigarh.

Govt High School

Contact Govt of High School of sector-22C, Chandigarh if you are looking for good CBSE school for your kids. Below post Govt High School has full postal address and many other latest details of school.

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan D. R . A. Bhavan Vidyalaya, Madhya Marg

Unable to find latest contact details of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan D.R.A. Bhavan Vidyalaya, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh? You will find the latest phone numbers, full postal address, E-mail, Website, Board, Management and reviews of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan D. R . A. Bhavan Vidyalaya, Madhya Marg in the following school post.

List of all CBSE Schools in Chandigarh

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