List of schools in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Find the list of all schools in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Find admission details of various CBSE schools, ICSE schools, IGCSE and other state schools in Coimbatore

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List of Schools in Coimbatore

Avila Convent Matriculation higher secondary school

Looking for a reputed school in Coimbatore? If yes, then Avila Convent Matriculation higher secondary school is one of the options for you. Check this post to get more information about the school including academics, facilities, etc.

Anan Kids Academy

Anan Kids Academy is a CBSE-affiliated school and is located in Kalappatti, Coimbatore. Here you can find all the details of the school like address, email id, contact number, etc. from this post.

Chinmaya International Residential School, Coimbatore

Searching for a school to build qualities and values in your kid? Chinmaya International Residential School, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu may be a good choice. The school is managed by Central Chinmaya Mission Trust. Check out this space to clear all your queries and get information on address, phone numbers, profile, review, admission procedure, fee structure, laboratories and a lot more.

Vidhya Niketan Public School

Are you searching for a CBSE school in Coimbatore? Have a look into this page to get the details of Vidhya Niketan Public school located at Coimbatore. The school offers education from KG to class XII as per the syllabus of Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE).

Ssvm World School

SSVM World School located in Singanallur in Coimbatore. The school is affiliated to CBSE board. Here you can find all the details of the school.

Chandrakanthi Public School

Chandrakanthi Public School affiliated to CBSE, is one of the best schools in Coimbatore which is located near airport, behind CODISSIA.

Sainik School, Amaravathinagar

Details of infrastructural facilities which are available in Sainik School, Amaravathinagar are posted below. Kindly check this post to know more about Sainik School, Amaravathinagar.

Kovai Public School

Are you looking for the details of Kovai Public School located in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu? Find here the detailed information on the school. It is affiliated to CBSE board.

Dr B Krishna Raj Memorial School

Are you looking for information about Dr B Krishna Raj Memorial School, Coimbatore. Get address and contact details about Dr B Krishna Raj Memorial School, Coimbatore here.

Suguna PIP School

Suguna PIP school is located in Nehru Nagar, Coimbatore. The school is affiliated to CBSE. You can find here all the details of the school including academics, facilities and admissions.

Park Global School

Park Global School is located near SITRA in Coimbatore. The school follows CBSE syllabus. You can find here the detailed information on the school.

Air Force School

Get phone numbers, official mail ID, exact location, accurate details and impartial reviews about Air Force School, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. This school is based on CBSE curriculum and is managed by IAF Education & Cultural Society. Check out more deatils about Air Force School, Coimbatore.

Nava Bharath National School

Nava Bharath National School follows the CBSE syllabus. It is located in Annur, Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. Find here all the other details of the school.

Kendriya Vidyalaya, Coimbatore

IndiaStudyChannel.Com contains full review of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Coimbatore for your reference. Read that and also get latest phone numbers of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Coimbatore from same website.

PSG Public School

Are you searching for a CBSE school in Coimbatore? Have a quick look into this page to get the details of PSG Public School located at Peelamedu, Coimbatore. All the updated details for courses, facilities and admissions can be obtained from the below post.

Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya

Are you searching for details of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Coimbatore. Hereby you can find complete address and contact details of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Coimbatore.

Angappa Educational Trust Senior Secondary School

Putting up in Coimbatore and searching for a reputed Senior Secondary School for your ward. Hereunder is a school post which has all the information about Angappa Education Trust Senior Secondary School, Coimbatore.

Coimbatore Public School

Are looking for the details of Coimbatore Public School? You can find it here. The school is affiliated to CBSE board and it is located in Saravanampatti, Coimbatore.

The Camford International School

The Camford International School is located in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It is established by M/s.Arul Jothi Charitable Trust and is a CBSE affiliated school. Find here the detailed information on the school.

The Harvee School

Harvee School is one of the top-ranking schools in Coimbatore. Enroll now for its global standard of education and amongst the best Cambridge Schools in Coimbatore.

Kovai Vidya Mandhir School

Kovai Vidya Mandhir is one of the best CBSE schools in Coimbatore. Other than academics it has a reputation for training in sports. Learn here the details.

SSVM School of Excellence, Coimbatore

SSVM School of Excellence located in Uppilipalayam in Coimbatore is affiliated to CBSE board. Here you can find all the details of the school, in case you are thinking of the school for your ward's admission.

Nairs Vidhya Mandhir

Below is the post of Nairs Vidhya Mandhir, which is a CBSE affiliated school. Go through the detailed, informative reviews of Nairs Vidhya Mandhir located at Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu to know more about the infrastructure, facilities, academic reputation, and other aspects of this school.

Vivekam senior secondary school

Looking for a reputed school in Coimbatore? If yes, then Vivekam senior secondary school is a suitable option for you. Please find below all the updated information about the school for your reference.

RKV Senior Secondary School

Are you seeking admission for your child at a good private school in Coimbatore? Want to know what are the infrastructure facilities at RKV Senior Secondary School in Coimbatore? Find the relevant details in this school post.

Yuvabharathi Public School

Various advanced infrastructural facilities are available in Yuvabharathi Public School, Coimbatore. Contact Yuvabharathi Public School, Coimbatore to know more about that.

Kendriya Vidyalaya School

Do you need information about Coimbatore's Kendriya Vidyalaya School? Follow this page which contains all the important contact details of Kendriya Vidyalaya School which is popular CBSE school.

Rukmani Kannan Vidyalaya Higher Secondary School

Coimbatore's Rukmani Kannan Vidyalaya Higher Secondary School is popular in parents for providing good quality education. Check this page if you want more details and reviews of Rukmani Kannan Vidyalaya Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore.

List of all Tamil Nadu State Schools in Coimbatore CBSE Schools in Coimbatore IGCSE Schools in Coimbatore Tripura State Schools in Coimbatore

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