List of schools in Faridabad, Haryana

Find the list of all schools in Faridabad, Haryana. Find admission details of various CBSE schools, ICSE schools, IGCSE and other state schools in Faridabad

Are you looking for the best schools in Faridabad, Haryana? Find the admission notifications and list of the leading schools in Faridabad, Haryana. Get admissions for professional courses for the academic year 2025 - 2026.

List of Schools in Faridabad

St. Peter's School, Sector 16- A, Faridabad

See here complete postal address of St. Peter's School, Sector 16- A, Faridabad which is available for your reference. Contact St. Peter's School, Sector 16- A, Faridabad to know about fees structure and admission details.

Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Faridabad

Looking for a Kendriya Vidyalaya in Faridabad for your ward''s admission? Read on to get the latest contact information & unbiased reviews about the Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1, Faridabad.

Bansi Vidya Niketan Senior Secondary School, Faridabad

Advanced computer lab & science lab is a popularity of Bansi Vidya Niketan Senior Secondary School, Faridabad. To contact Bansi Vidya Niketan Senior Secondary School, Faridabad refer ISC and note full postal address.

A.D Senior Secondary School

Applying for your childs admission to A D Public School, Faridabad? You can check out quickly here the contact details for admissions to the CBSE A D Public School, Faridabad, Haryana. In addition, you will get information about the schools facilities, extra curricular activities, etc.

Modern Vidya Niketan Senior Secondary School

Accurate postal address of the Modern Vidya Niketan Senior Secondary School, Faridabad is given below in this post. Check out this post to know too the updated contact details of the CBSE affiliated Modern Vidya Niketan Senior Secondary School, Faridabad.

D A V Public School Sector 14

DAV Public School, Sector 14, Faridabad is a senior secondary school affiliated to CBSE with Medical, Non-Medical, Commerce and Humanities streams at the +2 level. More details on the school profile, address, phone, reviews, photos are provided here.

Aravali International School, Sector- 43, Faridabad

A good International School can change the future of your child. Aravali International School in Faridabad is a CBSE affiliated International school of repute. Utilize the below school post to know the phone number, full address, E-mail, Website, Board, Management and reviews about Aravali International School, Faridabad.

Angels Public School

Looking for accurate details on Angels Public School, Faridabad, Haryana? Get here all necessary information like contact details, location, school profile, teaching quality, facilities offered and latest reviews about Angels Public School, Faridabad.

D C Model Sr Sec School, Faridabad

D C Model Sr. Secondary School, Faridabad is a CBSE co-educational English medium school. Check out more details about the school and reviews here.

Modern School, Faridabad

Are you searching for the latest contact information about the Modern School located in Sector 17, Faridabad? Go through this school post to know the latest contact information such as the phone number, full postal address, official e-mail, etc of the Modern School, Faridabad.

Eicher School, Faridabad

Eicher School is a reputed CBSE-affiliated public senior secondary school in Faridabad. Get to know more such as the latest phone number, full postal address etc of the Eicher School, Faridabad.

Alpine Valley Boarding School

Looking for a CBSE affiliated Boarding School in Karnera to get your child admitted? Alpine Valley Boarding School, Karnera is the best school in Faridabad with all modern facilities and infrastructure.

B.N. Public School

B N Public School was established in 1983 and is a private institution managed by The Garhwal Sabha. It is affiliated to CBSE and is recognized by the Department of Education, Govt. of NCT Delhi and the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. The school provides quality education for all round development of the personality of children.

Aggarwal Public School

Looking for CBSE affiliated schools in Faridabad? Find all the important details about Aggarwal Public School, Faridabad here under.

Apeejay School

Looking for contact details of Apeejay School, Faridabad ? Please find phone number, full address, E-mail, Website, Board, Management and reviews of phone number, full address, E-mail, Website, Board, Management and reviews in the following school post.


Carmel Convent School, Faridabad was established in 1971 and is under the management of the Institute of the Carmelite Sister of St. Teresa, a registered society. The school is a Minority educational Institution and hence gives first prefrence to Christians, at the time of admission. This is an English Medium school recognised by the CBSE.

Arqam Academy, Faridabad

Are you looking for the latest reviews, phone number and address of Arqam Academy, Faridabad? Get them here! Arqam Academy, Faridabad is a CBSE-affiliated High School in Haryana.

Air Force School

Air Force School, Faridabad, Haryana, is a CBSE school that offers the best academic and extra-curricular exposure to its students. The school gives preference to children of Air Force personnel during admission. Read more reviews and get accurate contact details of Air Force School, Faridabad.

St. Columbus School, Faridabad

Official contact details of St. Columbus School, Faridabad are posted on leading website IndiaStudyChannel.Com. Visit this portal to avail all require contact information of St. Columbus School, Faridabad.

St. Albans School

St. Albans School is in the sector- 15 of Faridabad. To know the complete postal address, infrastructure, facilities, etc of the school, refer to the popular educational website IndiaStudyChannel.Com.

Shri Tharuram Arya Kanya Uchatam Madhyamik Vidyalaya

View this post if you are searching for contact details of Shri Tharuram Arya Kanya Uchatam Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Faridabad. The below post has correct telephone numbers and updated the official email address of the school.

Sumer Singh Public School, Faridabad

Looking for the correct address of Sumer Singh Public School, Faridabad? See here the updated post of Sumer Singh Public School, Faridabad, which has full postal address, latest phone numbers and other information of this school.

St Mary's Convent School, Faridabad

See this post of St Mary's Convent School, Faridabad to get latest contact details of this school. High quality CBSE affiliated education is available in St Mary's Convent School, Faridabad.

Divine Public School, Faridabad

Do you urgently need to know the latest phone numbers of the Divine Public School, Faridabad? This school post about the Divine Public School, Faridabad has information like latest phone number, full address, E-mail, Website, Board, Management and realistic reviews of the Divine Public School, Faridabad.

Gold Field Public School

Searching for impartial reviews about the Gold Field Public School, Faridabad? Find all the latest information such as phone numbers, address, official mail ID, admission procedures and infrastructural facilities provided by the Gold Field Public School, Faridabad.

Satyug Darshan Vidyalaya, Faridabad

To see full review of Satyug Darshan Vidyalaya, Faridabad kindly check this website. This leading educational website of India contains all updated and correct contact details of Satyug Darshan Vidyalaya, Faridabad.

NTPC Sachdeva International School, Faridabad

Contact details of NTPC Sachdeva International School, Faridabad are available here in ISC for students reference. Know more about admission procedure of NTPC Sachdeva International School, Faridabad by visiting there.

Rawal International School, Faridabad

Complete postal address of Rawal International School, Faridabad is available here on This educational portal contains all updated contact details of Rawal International School, Faridabad.

Rawal Convent School, Faridabad

Refer this website to get latest contact details of Rawal Convent School, Faridabad. Complete review of Rawal Convent School, Faridabad is also posted here.

Dynasty International School, Faridabad

Desiring admission of your child to Dynasty International School, Faridabad? Dynasty International School, Faridabad, managed by the Tiny Tots Educational Society, is a well known international school. Go through this page for the necessary contact details, admission procedures and much more.

B.P.S. Public School

Where is B.P.S public school situated? Is this a good school in Haryana state? Here is the answer for all your doubts regarding B.P.s Public school and keep on watching this page for more details including reviews and Alumni comments.

DAV Public School, Faridabad

Are you a PGT in Mathematics and looking to join a DAV school in Faridabad as a Mathematics teacher? You may use the latest phone number, full postal address, latest e-mail, official website of DAV Public School, Faridabad to contact the school.

Ashoka Memorial Public School, Faridabad

Looking for a good CBSE school in Faridabad, Haryana? Ashoka Memorial Public School, Faridabad is affiliated to CBSE and offers good training in academic as well as extra-curricular activities. Read more here to get authentic details on phone numbers, accurate address, official mail ID, reviews and more details about Ashoka Memorial Public School, Faridabad.

Delhi Public School, Faridabad

Do you want to talk to the principal of the Delhi Public School, Faridabad? Get to know the latest phone numbers of the Delhi Public School, Faridabad from below.

Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 3, Faridabad

Try to get admissions in Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 3, Faridabad if you want to give high quality education to your son. Check here in ISC all latest updates of Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 3, Faridabad.

K L Mehta Dayanand Public School, Sec-7C, Faridabad

To know about communication address of K L Mehta Dayanand Public School, Sec-7C, Faridabad refer this post in ISC. Below post contains official email ID of K L Mehta Dayanand Public School, Sec-7C, Faridabad.

Holy Child Public School Sector 29

Are you going to shift to Faridabad? Worried about your child's admission? Holy Child Public School, Faridabad is a CBSE-affiliated school. Holy Child Public School, Faridabad's complete contact information having an official email ID and latest contact numbers is posted below for your reference.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Faridabad

Looking for a secondary school in Haryana for your ward? Kendriya Vidyalaya, NH IV, NIT, Faridabad, Haryana may be good for you. Here we provide the latest contact information such as address, phone numbers, email, website, reviews, transport etc about Kendriya Vidyalaya No 2, NH IV, NIT, Faridabad, Haryana.

Gita Convent School, Faridabad

Are you searching for the shortest route to Gita Convent School, Faridabad? Get it here. Also find out the latest contact numbers, accurate address, management details, affiliation details and in-depth reviews about the Gita Convent School, Faridabad.

Gita Bal Niketan Senior Secondary School, Faridabad

Gita Bal Niketan Senior Secondary School, Faridabad is a co-ed senior secondary school that is affiliated to the CBSE board of education. Get all the necessary details like phone numbers, address, official mail ID, infrastructural facilities provided and much more about Gita Bal Niketan Senior Secondary School, Faridabad.

Faridabad Model School, Faridabad

Faridabad Model School, Faridabad is a reputed CBSE-affiliated public high school managed by the Faridabad Model School Managing Committee. The Faridabad Model School, Faridabad''s full postal address, official e-mail, official website etc are posted in this school post.

John F Kennedy Public School, Sector- 28, Faridabad

The contact information of John F Kennedy Public School, Sector- 28, Faridabad is posted below for your convenience. See this post of John F Kennedy Public School to get the necessary details about this school.

Udaya Bharati Public School

Udaya Bharati Public School located at Faridabad, 121001 Haryana is one of the good schools in Haryana for high school education. Check this post to know more information about the school to communicate with them and read reviews given by other members.

Holy Child Public School Sector 75

Are you keen to enroll your child in a CBSE school in Faridabad? This school page provides details about the school campus facilities and activities of the CBSE-affiliated Holy Child Public School located at Sector 75 in Faridabad, Haryana. The contact details of the school and the application procedure are provided as well.

Modern Delhi Public School Faridabad

The Modern Delhi Public School Faridabad in Sector 89 is a reputed CBSE-affiliated school that has one of the best facilities for its students. Get the latest contact information and other details of this school.

The Modern School BPTP Faridabad

For those seeking the services of a renowned CBSE school in Faridabad, The Modern School is a good bet. Learn here the contact and other details.

List of all CBSE Schools in Faridabad Haryana State Schools in Faridabad

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