List of schools in Gaya, Bihar

Find the list of all schools in Gaya, Bihar. Find admission details of various CBSE schools, ICSE schools, IGCSE and other state schools in Gaya

Are you looking for the best schools in Gaya, Bihar? Find the admission notifications and list of the leading schools in Gaya, Bihar. Get admissions for professional courses for the academic year 2025 - 2026.

List of Schools in Gaya

Gyan Bharti Public School, Gaya, Bihar

Looking for CBSE affiliated school for your daughter's education? Then refer this post of Gyan Bharti Public School, Gaya, Bihar to know about this school. This post of Gyan Bharti Public School, Gaya, Bihar contains many updated details like official website, official email address, latest contact numbers etc.

Creane Memorial High School, Gaya

Creane Memorial High School, Gaya is a reputed CBSE-affiliated senior secondary school. Get all the contact details like latest phone number, full postal address, latest e-mail, official website, name of the affiliated board and reviews from this school post.

Gyan Bharti Residential Complex, Bodh Gaya

Do you need full postal address of Gyan Bharti Residential Complex, Bodh Gaya? Then see this post of Gyan Bharti Residential Complex, Bodh Gaya if you want to go there.

DAV Public School, Gaya

Looking for a senior secondary co-educational CBSE school in Gaya, Bihar? DAV Public School in Cantt Area is one of the 700 schools managed by DAV management all over India. Check out more about the school and reviews here.

Podar International School, Gaya

Podar International School is now big brand in India for CBSE education. Podar International School offers education facilities for UKG to HSC. Know more here about how to apply for admission at Podar International School.

Modern Academy School, Gaya

Find email id, telephone number, website details and also information on how to reach the Modern Academy School, Gaya in this school page.

Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Gaya

Are you thinking of joining Kendriya Vidyalaya Gaya as a teacher? Read on to know the full contact details & in-depth reviews about the Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Gaya in Bihar.

Al- Momin International School

Looking for the shortest route to Al Momin International School, Gaya, Bihar? Check out here for accurate location details, contact details and in-depth reviews about Al Momin International School, Gaya.

DAV Public School, Sherghati

Are you searching for reliable contact information about DAV Public School, Sherghati ? Hereunder posted is detailed contact information of DAV Public School, Sherghati.

DAV Public School, Manpur

Are you planning to admit your child to the DAV Public School, Manpur in Gaya? Go through the following school post to learn about the detailed contact information of the school and other valuable details.

Elegant Public School, Gaya

Are you going to apply at the Elegant Public School, Gaya? You shall use the mail-ID of the Elegant Public School, Gaya, which I have hereunder posted.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Gaya

If you are doing job is Gaya, Bihar then Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya located in Gaya is best school for your child. Refer this post and note latest phone numbers of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Gaya.

DAV Public School, Gaya

Do you want to get admission for your child at DAV Public School, CRRC, Medical Road, Gaya? Get the detailed contact information of the school hereunder.

Green Field English School, Bisar, Gaya

Do you need to know the latest contact information about the Green Field English School, Bisar, Gaya in Bihar? Green Field English School, Bisar, Gaya''s full contact details are listed in the following school post.

City Public School, Gaya

Need admission in Public Schools in Gaya city? City Public School located near Mehta Petrol Pump, Manpur can be a good choice. Get all the details with updated contact number of C.P.S in this post.

Delhi Public School

Looking for a CBSE affiliated reputed school in Bihar? Then you may find Delhi Public School, Gaya as one of them. This website provides you detailed information about the school including, school address, phone numbers, infrastructure, facilities, activities etc.


Gyansthali is one of the best schools of Gaya city. This school is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi on provisional basis. With all the modern facilities, this school is ideal for high school students.

Mount Litera Zee High School

Mount Litera Zee High School, Gaya is one of the branch of Zee schools under B.N. Educational Welfare Trust. The school is located at Kaiya in Gaya city, Bihar.

Gauri Kanya Middle School, Manpur

Gauri Kanya Middle School located at Manpur, Gaya is one of the oldest schools of Bihar. The school was founded in 1930 under department of education.

Pragya Bharti Public School

This post contains full details of Pragya Bharti Public School, Alipur, Gaya. Check this post to check all the latest details and contact numbers of Pragya Bharti Public School, Gaya.

R.G.N Public School

Are you looking for CBSE school in Gaya? R.G.N Public School is one of the CBSE affiliated schools of Gaya city. Get all the latest information with contact details and email id of R.G.N Public School, Sherghati, Gaya in this post.

British English School

Are you looking for information about British English School, Gaya Bihar. Get all the details of this school including phone number and website address, to help you with admission and other enquiries.

Gyan Deep Public School

Are you looking for the latest contact details of Gyan Deep Public School to get more information regarding admissions. In this post, you will get all the details of Gyan Deep Public School, Kendui, Gaya with the latest contact number and address details.

List of all CBSE Schools in Gaya Bihar State Schools in Gaya

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