List of schools in Keonjhar, Odisha

Find the list of all schools in Keonjhar, Odisha. Find admission details of various CBSE schools, ICSE schools, IGCSE and other state schools in Keonjhar

Are you looking for the best schools in Keonjhar, Odisha? Find the admission notifications and list of the leading schools in Keonjhar, Odisha. Get admissions for professional courses for the academic year 2025 - 2026.

List of Schools in Keonjhar

Kendriya Vidyalaya,, Keonjhar

Are you searching for Kendriya Vidyalaya in Orissa? Kendriya Vidyalaya,, Keonjhar is CBSE affiliated and complete details and reviews are given below.

Jindal School, Keonjhar

Need details on Jindal School, Keonjhar? See school address, reviews, phone numbers, admission details, courses and much more on ISC.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Keonjhar

Do you want to get admitted your son in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Keonjhar? Refer this post of CBSE affiliated Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Keonjhar and note correct phone numbers and detailed postal address.

Green Field School, Keonjhar, Orissa

Know more about Green Field School, Keonjhar, Orissa by reading below post of ISC. This post is updated with full postal address, latest contact numbers and official email address of Green Field School, Keonjhar, Orissa.

St. Marys School

This post provides information about St. Marys School at Keonjhar educates students up to secondary school grades. Check this post to know more details about the contact details, facilities.

Rabindra Vidya Niketan

Would you like to apply to Rabindra Vidya Niketan, Keonjhar for admission of your child? Get the contact numbers of the CBSE affiliated Rabindra Vidya Niketan, Keonjhar in Odisha and find out about the school fees and admission process.

Kerala English Medium School

Below is the post of Kerala English Medium School which is a CBSE affiliated school. Go through the detailed, informative reviews of Kerala English Medium School in Keonjhar of Odisha to know more about the infrastructure, facilities, academic reputation and other aspects of this school.

St Xavier’s High School

St Xavier's High School follows the CBSE curriculum. Check this school post to know more details about the institute, contact details and brief synopsis about the St Xavier's High School in Keonjhar of Odisha, which is affiliated to the CBSE Board Delhi.

List of all CBSE Schools in Keonjhar ICSE Schools in Keonjhar Orissa State Schools in Keonjhar

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