Do unpaid internships look bad on a C.V.?

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Author: DR.N.V. Srinivasa Rao      Post Date: 26 Mar 2024        
I don't think so.

In our CV we should mention what internships we did during our education and the details of the projects we undertook during that period. That will give an idea to the recruiter about the practical experience we had. The organisation in which we did our internship will have a say in understanding our capabilities. For example, I know some people who did internships in government undertakings by paying some fees. With those certificates, those students got selected for well-known organisations.

Unpaid internships will also add value to your resume. There is no doubt. The employers may appreciate your sincere eagerness to learn and have practical knowledge. They may feel happy that you took pains to serve the company even though they have not paid you any amount.

Unpaid internships will be helpful to you to understand the type of work you have to do if you are employed and whether you like it or not. So it will help to know whether you should take up a job in that direction or not. This unpaid internship will help you in getting a job in the same organisation in which you did your internship. One should remember that an unpaid internship will also provide you with an opportunity to work in the field and get job experience. Unpaid internships will also be useful to show that you are committed to learning.

So never hesitate to add even unpaid internships also to your CV.
Author: Swati Sarnobat      Post Date: 01 Apr 2024        
Internships are programs for students or candidates seeking jobs shortly. The candidates can acquire practical training in the related subject. But such internships are disadvantageous in some ways.

Companies immediately select a candidate who has undergone a paid internship, as they are assured that the candidate is well-experienced and can contribute effectively to the organization. But they are doubtful about someone who has undergone unpaid internships. But such internships are also useful to an individual in many ways. They can learn the practical aspects of a task and also develop the skills required at a steady pace. He or she can create a professional network and build a social circle to improve different skills such as communication, technical, interpersonal, etc. So, unpaid internships do not look bad, but they state that a candidate is striving hard to develop skills essential for the job and is familiar with the organization's culture. "Something is better than nothing."
Author: Dev Arora      Post Date: 17 Apr 2024        
Internships are more experience-driven than earning-driven. It means that internships are done to get experience rather than just earning. I have seen many people doing unpaid internships just to learn. Even some people are doing internships at as low as Rs.1000 per month. To make the CV more attractive people prefer to add more and more skills which they have learnt while undergoing some sort of internship. So, in case you are getting some unpaid internship go for it because at the initial stage learning matters not what you earn. Internships are win-win situations for the employer and the employee, employers get the work done at low cost and employees get a lot of earnings. If you are getting an internship at a low salary or no salary in some reputed organization then it does not matter, whether it is paid or unpaid.
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