Aptech Computer Education, Kochi (Attingal)in Kerala imparts education in the field of IT. The branch is run under the able management of Aptech Limited Mumbai. Aptech Limited have around 250 such branches in India & foreign countries. Aptech Computer Education, Kochi (Attingal)imparts computer training in short term, foundation & certification courses in different courses to render industry-ready computer professionals. Aptech Computer Education, Kochi (Attingal)does not have an institute specific Mail-ID but can be contacted at the mail-ID of Aptech Ltd, Mumbai, the parent organization.
Aptech Computer Education, Kochi (Attingal)imparts specialized coaching in Sun Java & Oracle, Aptech Certified Computer Professional - Pro (ACCP Pro)Latest technology, IT career course, Cloud computing, Programming Languages, Database, .NET, Java,Operating Systems, Office Tools & Computer Fundamentals, .NET Foundation course, Java Foundation course, College projects' guidance, Hardware & Networking courses and MCSE & Digital Electronics, CCNA, MCSE & MCSA.