It is an adjective. Meaning: flattering or exhibiting a servile compliance.It is used when someone is obedient and follow the wishes of other person.It is also used when one is too eager to please someone.
Root of the word : seq(/sec) which means follow
Etymology: Latin
Related forms: obsequiously - adverb obsequiousness - noun
Synonyms: servile, slavish, sycophantic, cringing, deferential, grovelling, spineless, crouching
Antonyms: insolent, bold, impudent, defiant, swaggering, presumptuous, contemptuous, arrogant, hardened.
Sample Usage
1)The obsequious politician picked up the shoes of the party president. 2)He got the promotion by being obsequious to his boss. 3)The obsequious guy need not be taken into consideration as he wont go against my word.