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  • How to save a rose plant bought from a nursery?

    Looking for gardening tips to save your rose plant which was purchased from a nursery? Quickly get expert advice to know the correct way to maintain your rose plant so that it does not wilt and die out.

    I bought a rose plant from a nursery about two months back. For the first month, it stayed well with slight leaf drops. I have kept it in the balcony from the beginning. Now in the second month, it shed all its leaves. At the beginning of the second month, it had a spider web kind of thing on its leaf. I removed all such leaves. I have given flower fertilizer, tea powder everything I can, but still, now it is standing without leaves and the stem has turned slightly blackish. What can be done to save the plant?
  • Answers

    9 Answers found.
  • A rose plant requires good heat for good growth. So you should keep it in a place where it gets good heat from sunlight.
    Moderate watering is required and you should keep the soil wet.
    Use a rose fertilizer that will have a well-balanced NPK rating. In the water-soluble types Miracle-Gro for Roses, Miracle-Gro All Purpose and Peters All Purpose. You can try any of these and see the performance.

    always confident

  • The rose plant requires care as it is to be watered timely and to be kept in sunlight for a few hours but not continuously. The soil should be good and adequate fertilisers are to used. If fertilisers are not readily available then time being the used tea leaves can be poured in its base and water to be sprinkled there. Later when you get the proper rose manure then use it time to time for giving the required nutrition to the rose plant.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Generally the plant from nursery are to be strengthened by adding new soil and manure in the beginning itself. Otherwise sometimes they lose their initial sheen and die out. Still it is time to change the soil completely and make it rich with manure and then keep the plant in a partially sunlit area and water it regularly. It will revive soon. If there is some special manure available for the roses it will be advisable to use it for some time.

    Thoughts exchanged is knowledge gained.

  • Rose plants are one of the most difficult plants to maintain, especially when they are grown in pots. The hybrid, grafted, varieties need special care. I was an avid gardener, and when space permitted, I grew a variety of roses, but they never survived for long despite all the feeding and care.

    At this juncture, I will not advise you to, change the soil, as the plant will not be able to take the stress of being uprooted. Moreover, this is not the season for re-potting, that is best done when the weather is cooler. Fertilising a plant when it is in distress is also avoidable.

    Check to see if your plant is alive. Scrape a tiny piece off the stalk, with your nail or a knife and check if the inside is green. If found to be white that part is dead. Snip it off, but be careful how much you prune, for two reasons, one is the stress bit, the other concerns the grafting. Identify the point where the plant has been grafted. You will be able to tell, by its knobby appearance. Do not prune below that point. Be careful while pruning, use a clean tool and ensure that you do not spread the fungus through the tool. Wipe it clean, before each use.

    Your plant seems to be affected by a fungal infection. The spider-web like substance was also due to a pest. In all probability, you brought home a diseased and infected plant. Invest in some gardening equipment to tackle such problems.

    An organic fungicide can be sprayed on the plant, you can get these online or at a nursery. Use as per direction. Spray the fungicide after the pruning and repeat as necessary. At this point do not leave the plant under direct sunlight, for long hours. Keep it away from direct sunlight, until it recovers, but keep it outdoors.

    Water the plant carefully, too much water could cause root rot. Make sure the soil is moist, at all times. Feed the plant after a few days, when you see it has begun to recover. A slow release fertiliser is best, if not use a liquid one, but dilute it before using. Over fertilisation will also kill the plant.

    I suggest you visit the nursery and discuss the issue with the gardener there. He's the one who can help identify the problem and provide a solution. The next time you bring home a plant, speak to the gardener on how to care for it.

  • Rose plant grows in a particular climate. It needs sunlight at least for 8 hours. Even then too harsh a sun can be bad for the flowers. In too severe winters try to plant your rose bushes so that it may be protected from extreme cold. Additionally, try to plant roses in organically rich soil. It is best to plant roses in a sandy soil that is well drained.

    The timing of planning the bushes is also very important. Spring is the best period when you can plant roses.

    You must water the rose beds regularly so that the harvest can be kept well nourished.


    " The two most important days in your life are the day when you are born and the day you find out why? "
    – Mark Twain

  • In continuation to my answer at # 155352, I want to add that it is documented that rose plants require a slightly acidic soil where PH value of the soil can be around 7 to 8. In view of this such slightly acidic soil can be put around the plant with very little watering at 2-3 times frequency in a day so that it gets the nutrients from that extra soil. Another thing is vermi fertiliser with bone powder is supposed to be good for rose plants. So one has to accordingly select the manure available in the market.

    Knowledge is power.

  • Many people are fond of planting rose at home. These plants also require good care. If these are not fertilized from time to time, then flowers are not harvested quickly. It is better to use chemical compost for this. Better we use natural rose compost only. Rose flowers look good at home. If they are taken care of they will bloom well and the house will also look beautiful.

    1. Coffee Seeds
    If you have coffee seed at home and if you are not using them then they can give it the work of compost. Grind these coffee seeds and grind them in rose plants. It contains essential elements such as potassium, nitrogen and magnesium that is very important for rose plants.

    2. White vinegar
    If the rose plant has stopped developing, so the white vinegar lying in the house can be used as compost. For this you need to add other nutrients along with vinegar to the compost.

    3. Bananas
    Banana is beneficial for health, it can also be used for manure. Potassium is rich in banana peel. Press the banana peel under the rose plant. This will make the growth of plants well.

    4. Aquarium Water
    If the aquarium is kept in the house then change its water and put it in a pot instead of spraying it. It works like compost.

    5. Egg Peels
    Calcium is very much needed for Rose plants. Egg peels can also be used for this. Make these saws in the soil instead of spraying them. This is a very effective solution rose plant which act as a natural manure.

  • I think two Months is comparatively a longer duration to observe the progress of any kind & as the author has stated of shedding leaves along with that the stem has turned slightly blackish, the indications are not at all good on the survival grounds. In addition, the spider web kind of thing on its leaf would be quite natural when not taken care for a while & the same can be removed with some forced water on to them.

    In addition to what the author has stated, I would suggest changing the soil, replacing the plant & then putting that in a place with having good sunlight & proper water for few days. If this shows some sign of life than the preparation is ok but in case nothing seems to improve then the author can buy another one. As a precaution, the author can ask for a visit on behalf of nursery shop & take the expert advice.

    As myself have evident of the same when distributed with lots of water & proper sunlight, this will end up in good results but in case this doesn't happen in some positive notes then this could also be the case.

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